ASEAN Hive Community Challenge #102 Photography | Goin' Green

Hello wonderful community of @asean.hive. A pleasant good evening, Christ has sacrifice his self for the sins of the world. Because I grew with a religious mom I was afraid everytime time that Christ is dead. She told me the bad spirit will conquer us, even up to now that I have my own kids I felt the fear. But I God will never fails us all.

Every holy week I remember my mom and grandma. They do a fasting Where they will not eat breakfast they will make their body hungry for the body and blessings of Crist. We also do a Bisita Iglesia we're every mystery of the rosary we're going to visit different churches. Mom also told me that when it's your first time to enter a church you can make a wish and it will be done by grace. My mom is so religious we visited 7-8 churches in good Friday. It was a tiring day but its all worth to visit those holy churches.

My post for today is also my entry to sir @justinparke Goin Green.
Why did I choose this as my entry?

Because this is what we don't have for now, Soil! Around us. And if we have soil we can plant vegetables, flowers and rice just like before. But now it's been different, we are sorrounded by enormous water. Our way of living also change; like the farmers are now fisherman. They ride on carabao's so they crashed their soil. But now paddling on boat so they can tour around their living.

And maybe you're wondering how did I I have this photos? I know you know my aunt, the house besides us. She have a huge land, she also have a apartment beside the road. And while it has no tenants we occupied the space and asked if we can plant some veggies for all of us. Instead the soil its just itself, and my aunt agreed.


Bitter Gourd

My husband is a kind person, instead of selling it to them they just give for free somehow we are bit fine now compared to before. I sell eggs and fish, but I never got to try selling veggies. It's also because he has somewhere to brought it. Somehow I manage to capture the plants from it's first stage until it already bears fruit. It was a relief that after years passed by we have a plant. The disadvantage of having a garden; you don't need to buy you'll just picked it from your plant.

This is my mom's favorite, I hate it when I was kid but know it's aslo on my list of favorite veggies.








Sweet Tomato Leaves




Bottle Gourd

Hubby told me that we need to picked those veggies and give to Nanay that's what we called to our aunt. And she was happy to see the vegetables, do you know that it's a whole different taste when you cooked a veggie right after you picked from the plant. It's more sweet and healthy too.





My son while watering the plants.




Thank you so much for reading
Much Love, @usagigallardo015

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