Trying to get a Good Shot

Lawis Grand Canyon is a mesmerizing place in our locality and because of that, people come and visit to take pictures with it on the back ground. A picturesque place like this deserves to be one's pride.

I and my wife used to visit this place before they even thought of renovating this and during that time, everywhere is just grass.

During our last year's visit, it was on a Holy week and any people had paid a visit. My wife is off from work too so I decided we pay the place a visit since it's been some years from our last.

We brought our son with us and so my wife and I just cant have a decent pose infront of the lovely place making sure our son would be safe and would not fall off the scary cliff maybe due to a strong motherly instinct my wife had.

It was so bright that day too and I could not almost see the phone screen while taking pictures and tapped the shutter button randomly. I even blamed myself for not bringing the selfie stick with us on this travel.

It turns out, I caught some good photos and some but majority is off.

The wife leaves the son for work 6 days a week and so my son gets too clingy whenever my wife is around. He wants to get carried and hugged and be with her most of the time

Missing someone you love so dearly is not easy.

Even though the photos are not that good, I am happy to have captured real emotions and care of my wife to our son.

We only tried to take a good shot but our son was too busy and too happy to sit down and let us do our thing. Well I guess that's how kids are. Perhaps we will just come back when they are bigger.

Despite the photos, the experience was all good and I am happy with the memories we made.

Time had flown too fast and next month, we will celebrate the holy week in fact the Lenten season had begun a week ago. What's your plans on that very long holiday?

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