Jimmy Thinks he's a Robot

Good morning hive! I knwo you are doing well amd you are happy.

Have you seen a Robot man? Well my friend here thinks he is at least

He, Kuya Roel and I were on our project last day at Foronda's house to install electric wires and accessories.

Now there is a post that needs to be used with grinder and Jimmy was on it.

As you can see in the photos above, he was not usimg facemask and the job he is doing is very dusty. Talk about grinding a concrete.

I wonder if he don't feel the duast because of his heavy smoking of cigarettes or he just don't care about his health a few years form now.

Ive seen a lot of people having lung problems in theor forties and ots really hard for them. Some even fpund that breathing air is so painful, yet they have to endure it because they don't have the financial capacity to go to the hospital.

Health is wealth and we could not argue with that proverb. Whereever we may looknlnat innlife, health is the most important thing. Maybe that is the very reason why i don't smoke or drink alcohol even with the heavy peer pressures i had way back in my younger years.

I told him to at least cover his nose and mouth while doing the job but he just won't listen, what can i do? Im just a concerned friend that would advise people but i just cant insist on letting them do what i believe is right. It's their body and i has to respect their decisions.

Now all i can do is hope that he will live a long and healthy life despite not taking care of his health right now.

The project was not yet done, we still have a lot to do and i hope he will hearken to me on my advice about his health. Its never easy to get sick.

Before i end this post, let me leave you a question: how kuch do you care about your health?

Gotta go for now, ill get back to you soon.


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