Boodle Fight with Fresh Tilapia Fish and More!

I have always dreamed of having my own farm, I have small experiences with rice paddies, duck raising, corn cassava and fishing (sea). I was adventurous and I saw that farmer's life is good.

Then time came that I thought I could make a fish pond at home using a tarp to protect water from draining to the ground. I have so many plans drawn in my head so I decided to pay a visit to my friend who had a tilapia fish in his farm.

I and my father attempted to rent their fishpond one time but his sons stopped hime to let us to.

We could not force him to thus the fish pond at home, the plan B was realized then I bought tilapia breeders from him.

But because we had not seen each other for a long time, he treated us for lunch with his harvest.

The cooked rice was set on a banana leaf and we grilled tilapia fish and had some soup. I never had tilapia fish soup before and I was hesitant to eat them yet when I tried, it was the sweetest fish soup ever!

But before we ate, this is how we caught the fish

We helped my friend make fire in his bungalow, and once the fire was set, we cooked rice. The water we used were from the spring and it tastes very sweet.

Then off we went to his fish pond to catch fish using net but the fish were too wise already that they will not come to where the food was when they see people above. Perhaps they have learnt from the previous harvest they did which traumatized the fish left in the pond.

It was getting hopeless so he took out the fish hook and nylon string, attached them to a stick. For the bait, my friend dug out earthworms and we had a good catch.

That's me wit the fishing net which only caught a few fish and set them aside or breeders in my pond

My sister's boyfriend catching a fish with a fish hook, attatchen on a nylon and stick. All he caught at first were small fish and they had to let them go.

There were 6 fish ponds in the area including my friend's father's fish pond. They were so lucky that their farm was located near the Agusan river and below the cliff. The place was abundant of water which made it very favorable of fish farming but the problem is that it's very hard to take the products above because one had too carry them up.

Although the pond were shallow, my friend made bamboo boat we local call gakit. and it naturally floats above the pond and could easily be moved when pushed. It is also used to provide shade for the young fish and a hiding place.

The water was so still before we dove in to catch fish for breeders and it got a wonderful reflection of the sky in it.

This may not look that much but there were many small fish in the water.

After our catch, we all helped each other to cook the fish; my friend volunteered on making the soup and i an my sister's boyfriend did the grill. There were no complete utensils in his bungalow so we used a plate to fan the fire.

While on their farm, I really enjoyed staying, it was peaceful and tranquil. The highway was too far and we could not hear them pass.

All that's heard in his farm were the water on the river, the chirping birds on the trees, the chickens in his bungalow and the cattle they had. It's a perfect place to unwind and be free from all the stress and worries of life. Not only it became a perfect place for relaxing but also a perfect place to rear farm animals which they use in their farm and as livestock.

Not only that, the farm is a perfect place for flora and fauna to survive. Adequate amount of water and sunlight makes everything alive. Here are some newly harvested banana from one of the banana trees around.

Flowers are around too!

And because they don't stay on their farm most of the time, they left a dog to guard but boy I am happy he was not tied.

One of the young cattle were friendly too. He likes to be scratched and petted.

After I got what I needed, and the sky had turned dark, we decided to go home. The uphill climb was killing all our legs and not one did not catch their breath panting.

Way back in our younger years when we were still very active in amateur boxing, we used the cliff to strengthen our legs, climbed up and down running and it did a great job on our work out. Now I stopped two times just to gather strength to continue.

We walked as fast as we could, afraid of the rain that is coming. And just like any other beautiful things, our little adventure had ended. I am not sire when we could return to my friend's place but I am sure I am welcome whenever I would come.

As of now, the fish had grown and produced off springs too. Yet they could not grow efficiently because the water in my fish pond is different from the one my friend had.

I really wished I will have my own farm one day but until that day come, I will keep learning to know how to do it when it comes.

Have you ever had tilapia fish before? is you experience catching fish on a fishpond or the sea?

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