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At your Service, even on Holidays

Holidays? Nah, we don't usually have it. It is even the time when we are too busy working. Public service, that is.

These day, I had been very busy at work and in personal life. Other people had their so called "very long weekend" from October 28 to November 5 especially the students. I bet my kids forgot their last lessons already since they too were buy helping their granny in the farm.

Election happened on October 30, and every barangay volunteers were required to attend to duties; health workers are on stand by for any health related emergencies, their tent was located inside the school premises and we, the Tanod are on that school gate to watch for traffic.

Slowing the passing vehicles by our barricades, and halting them for the pedestrians to cross. I've seen lots of familiar faces, from my old classmates to their parents and it's really nice to know they are doing fine without asking.

People came in and went out, there are lots of them and each exercised their right to choose leaders in the community.

Politics is a dirty game to some and people can spread lies about you, there is too much that happens in this period and some might not know who to believe anymore.

Fortunately, our present captain won again and we still get to keep our jobs even off it doesn't pay high. We don't have to report daily and I love the freedom I had right now. And I guess we still had to keep it until the next election or if we do something stupid for them to kick us out.

We stayed in our post for the whole day and until night came and everyone watched as the electoral board declared the winners.

The next day, the captain celebrated his victory. It will be his last term ko one knows what will com next but I'm hoping for people who are dedicated for the welfare of the community.

Public service is not easy, to many things to do, too many people to please and too many issues being thrown on you no matter how careful you are..

Oh, it would be nice to be traveling and visiting old friends that holiday yet responsibilities came in the way and we had to learn to prioritize things bad indeed, At you service, even on holidays.

After a day of resting, we proceeded to work for All Souls Day and All Saints Day. I hope to find time to share soon.

See you.