Sincere lesson from strange people on street .

Greeting everyone,

How are you? I hope you have an awesome day today that is better than yesterday.


I met this humble man during our previous walk at Saturday Night Market. He was sitting along the edge of the road while waiting for people to come and buy his cotton candy.

My friend, Maia, who was walking with me, asked me to take his portrait. I'm joining her as she takes his portrait. After we are done with the portrait, we have a quick conversation. It was just a regular conversation, like, How's the sale? or "Does he come and sell there regularly?"

But, as I look at his face, he just looks tired. I ask him if he was tiring or not. He did say that he was a little bit tired. He then added that usually people like him sit at home while taking care of their children and playing with them. But he needs to work an extra hour to get some money for home.

He started to give us more advice that I believe I have heard or read somewhere, but in reality this was happening to most people (at least for me). He said, When you are young, try hard to find money where ever you can and as fast as you can, because as you grow up and age, your body will start saying no to a lot of things." It feels like something you can do, but in reality you can't. You might be able to do it, but it's not 100% of your effort like you in your youth. You are getting slow, and your body is getting old.

He then added, After you find money, save and grow it. People say that money is nothing, but the truth is that money is everything. You need money just like me, who worked an extra hour for another RM 10 extra in my pocket. I am grateful thatat I didn work that hard and find much money, so that money can work for me at this age .

I think he was sincere in telling us about it. Thanks to him for reminding me and us to work as hard as we can when we are still young and healthy.

It was good advice I listen from him. I hope his advice also reaches you. Thanks for stopping by, and I hope you'll have an awesome day ahead. See you on another journey.


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