Random photo in my gallery

Greeting all ,

How are you? I hope you have an awesome day tiday that better than yesterday.

Today im sharing you is some random photo in my gallery

Dog is cute , isnt them?

Taking this photo silently without getting caught by the owner . 😂😂😂

I cant help it because all the dogs was too cute .

MAMEE was the legend snack when i was in childhood. It advertisements using the mamee monster make us (the kid) want to eat it. I still remember , they got suprise sricker inside the plastic. But , it getting unpopular now , it was just a regular snack being sold in market .

But not in Melaka. Found this lighting signboard that still working that show this awesome brand .

Unique shop house entrance with the flower and plant everywhere . I believe that the owner of this house love gardening. Living in shop hoise which was lack with soil to gardening didnt stop him to make their entrance look natural . I can imagine this entrance will become the beautiful entrances with flower during flower season.

I always appreciate people who dedicate themself making art. Since there is no exact price on people art , those people always end up dont have money to having a good regular days .

I wish them all the best and continue makings art to make this world colourful .

Thanks for stopping by . I hope you enjoy today series and see you in another adventures

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