Photographer in the mission while waiting for sunset

The "buyuk" team was walking with their personal camera in town after getting poisoned by a LEICA camera collection by our friend. Their mission is to hunt as many photo as they could before the sunset.

The first mission was trying to recruit strangers to become their models. I guess it's a fail since everyone was shy to say the magic word ," A PROFESSIONAL PHOTOGRAPHER."

I tried to capture a photo of a person walking alone after work. But it was not accepted for the first mission.

Let's go for another simple mission: to capture the plane in the middle of the building alley. It is sad to say that it was also a failure because the plane only appeared after we decided to stop waiting and walk to our next destination.

This is the only photo of the plane after leaving the spot where we should have taken it. I didn't give the right photo for the mission, but I guess the composition is still good.

The road was still busy because it was exactly time for those who were working to finish their working hours.

We didn't get good photos for the mission, but at least the sunset looked nice and warm.

Here are some bonus photos for today:

I found the secret shop where Harry Potter buys their flying broom, and it's alive! But don't worry, because it will be active as long as you don't have the magic. I know because the magic broom wrote it on the floor to tell us.

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