Greeting everyone,

How are you? I hope you have a wonderful day today that is better than yesterday.


It was Saturday, and I was travelling to Johor from Singapore early in the morning. It was raining heavily at that time, and I forgot to bring an umbrella. Lucky for me, lucky most of the walking area for Padestrians in Singapore to the bus station has a roof.

As always, it'll be super busy at the border on Saturday because most Singaporeans will come to the border (Johor) to buy stuff so they can save money since the Singapore dollar is about three times higher than the Malaysian ringgit value, which means buying in Johor is three times cheaper than buying in Singapore.

Usually me and my wife will spend most of the time inside the mall, but today I went out for hair-cutting, which was also three times cheaper than Singapore, and I realised that there was some event happening just across the road.

The music was calling me to come, and I can see the "KOPI O-RAMA flag everywhere. Just for your information, KOPI means coffee, and I actually had no idea what the meaning of O-RAMA was. Do you have any idea about it?


Its look goods , i can see the organiser making their awesome job for the entrance. Most of people who coming will stop for a moment to capture their memory in front of the entrances.

Well, I think it was the usual Saturday market, but today it was happening with coffee vendors. As i come to the venue , i can see a lot of coffee vendors around with their unique coffee machines .

You can see a line of canopy with coffee vendors here . Its make hard to find which vendor to taste . If i have unlimited cash at that time , i ll try everything at this area. The smell is almost the same which was coffee smell.

If you are here , which coffee will you try ? Well , its time to choose and i choose the cheapest coffee . Hehe , i order the ICE AMERICANO which cost about $2 or around RM 8 . (Didnt take the coffee because enjoying talk with friend at that time ).

There also 2 coffee van vendors park their van to serves their best coffee to their customer .

From what i see , they are not just enjoying their coffee , but also spending quality time with their family while sitting there with their warm or cold coffee.

The organizer spend their effort to provide unique area to place chair so they can enjoy their coffee . For those who has their camp chairs , used theirr camp chair to have a good chat with their friend and family. Its look so enjoyable event.

Also the safe playground for the kids :

At the other section of this event , you can see vendors selling other goods like t-shirt , jewellary and other stuff. Some of their stuff was their original idea like the shirt design which i havent see before.

Me and friend sitting there until 8 pm . Overal i enjoy this kind of event especially they playing good and nice music (love their playlist) .

Its time to go home because i need to catch the mrt to going back at my places. Hopefully here will be another event like this .

Coffee + Food + Music = PERFECT

Thanks for stopping by , i hope you enjoy today series . See you in another journey. Cheers.

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