Found Some Guyabano in the Supermarket! <3

A few days ago, I went to the supermarket with papa to buy some stuff both for our own consumption and our store. As we passed by the fruit section, I saw something I haven't had for quite a while, it's guyabano!



The ones sold in the supermarket was already packed. It's not a whole guyabano. They were sold per gram. I just chose a bigger one and it cost me a dollar.

When we lived in the countryside during my high school days, the house we stayed in had some guyabano trees; one in front and another one at the back. Our kind landlord allowed us to take any fruit or vegetables from his land, so we enjoyed eating guyabano a lot back then... and it was for free!

Guyabano is usually sour and tangy, so we usually add some condensed milk when we eat it. It'll make it less tangy and a bit sweeter. Let me show you how we prepared it.



Of course, we have to separate the seeds from the meat first. It's already looking very creamy. We can eat it as it is, but if you want to enhance the flavor, you can add some milk.


We actually didn't put much. Since we didn't have a lot of guyabano, we only added around one third cup of condensed milk. You can adjust it according to your taste. I like to taste its natural sourness and tanginess a bit, so we didn't put much milk.


You just mix them well and place it inside the fridge for a few minutes. It tastes so much better when it's a bit cold.

We had it for dessert that night, but to be honest, it wasn't enough. haha We only had a small portion for the three of us. Hopefully, there would still be some available the next time we go to the supermarket.

I rarely see this in some local fruit store, but it would be awesome if they sell some. It would cost a bit cheaper then. haha Nothing beats the ones from our previous place in the countryside, though. My family and I... and even my friends enjoyed sharing this delicious fruit.

How about you? Have you ever tried this fruit? :)

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