ASEAN Hive Community Challenge #60: Animal Photography Challenge (Not Your Typical Animals)

Hey friends! It's time for another ASEAN Hive Community Challenge and this time, it's a photography type. In this challenge, we're tasked to take pictures of animals. Well, I have a cute pet and I have several animal pictures in my gallery especially the ones I took from the crocodile farm nearby. They're old pictures, though... so I decided not to use them in the challenge and took some pictures yesterday while gardening, instead. (^^,)

Speaking of gardening, perhaps you'd thing of butterflies and bees... but I was dealing with some soil last time, so yeah. This "Animal Photography" entry of mine would be kind of different. I'm not sure if everyone would like it, but here goes nothing. :)





I found this yellow-spotted millipede in one of the pots. I was going to transfer the soil from this pot to a sack, so I could re-mix it with some new soil. Basically, we recycle the soil from the pot since the lettuce that was originally planted in it already wilted after producing a certain amount of leaves.

When I saw it, I decided to find some more wiggly animals for my entry this week. hahah

If you look closely, there are also some tiny millipedes beside it. However, if you couldn't see them well, don't worry. I actually took some of them and placed them together for a group picture. lol




There are plenty of them under the soil, but I just took those that were trying to get out. Millipedes are not harmful to our plants. Instead, they help in maintaining the soil healthy. So I usually just let them be, unless they try eating our plants first. But so far, they just eat the withered leaves and other stuff on and in the soil.

Anyway, since I was dealing with the used soil of our dead plants, I was actually trying to look for a certain worm that is usually present in such situation... and yeah, they didn't disappoint. I found a bunch of them in various pots... but I only took a few shots. Let me show you. :)



Sorry for the quality. I was using the macrolens of my mobile phone when taking this picture. I was scooping some soil to transfer, then this showed up. So, I was holding the garden shovel on one hand and the phone on the other.

And yeah... those were some photos of the animals I saw yesterday while doing some garden duties. Anyway, I want to share some old photos I also took in the garden... or maybe some animals I saw around me.




I was about to do some errands in a nearby convenience store when I saw this little stray near our fence. There sure are a lot of stray cats in our community. They usually eat our leftovers if our neighbor's dogs aren't around. Arashi doesn't like cats, though... and I'm asthmatic, so it's not really good for me to be always exposed to cats. I find them cute, though.

This was taken more than 2 years ago. We feed them until now, so we see this situation every day. It's just difficult to take photos of them, but I do have a photo of one chubby bird in our front yard before.



I have posted pictures of some spiders, ants, butterflies and so on in the past. If I get to see them and it happens that I have my phone with me, I'll definitely take some shots.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed my entry and that you weren't weirded out by them. They're very helpful in the garden... my mom doesn't like them, though... and that's understandable. haha

I'll end this here. Thanks a lot and see you next challenge!!!!

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