Some recap before the New Year's eve.

Hello again everyone in the Asean Hive community. I hope that all of you are having a great day. Today I want o share some of the activities that I managed to take photos during the preparation of the New Year's eve at my parents home.

It was a sudden decision made by my uncle, including my father and all the other relatives to do a family gathering with our other relatives from my grandmother's siblings side. It was suppose to be this year on the month of February but since it was really hard to gather all the family member together, plus it was already 2 years in the planning, and with all the discussions, they made a decision and just go with the family gathering plan on the New Year's eve.

As expected only some of the family member from our grandmother's side relatives were able to participate on the family gathering.


This is my parents house, this is the place where all of our family members from my grandfather's side will gather every time for all the family gathering occasions and activities. It has big area in front of the house. This area is always being used to put the canopy. During this family gathering only one camp was being used as we expect not all can come and it was more than enough chairs for all of the family members that already confirmed coming during this event.


One of our potential 'food' for the night 🤣 four chicken already waiting to become food.


This was the banner that being used during that time. Me and my father put up the banner on top of the garage. By the way, the garage was being used as our main 'stage' for all of the activities. Me and my father finished to put the banner up and already satisfied with it. A very minimalist setup from me and my father. But not long after that. My aunties made their move to 'upgrade' the look of the banner.


They took the curtain and some of the decoration flowers from the store and begun their 'upgrading' process 😆. The curtain color that being used was perfect. It blends really well with the banner color and the surroundings. It looked like it was planned for its harmony colors.


Tadaaa! 😁 This was the 'upgraded' version of the banner backdrop and all of the lucky draw prizes. It was better looking after it was decorated. very much appreciated to my aunties for their efforts. Some of the prizes was for a mini game during the night. The time for the guest to arrived was planned around 4pm but the weather was not good during this time. All of the guest arrived a little bit late. Thank God the rain had already stopped late in the evening.


And of course every family gathering occasion, grilled chicken is a must. Lucky for the four chicken previously, they will still continue to live, just because we had enough chicken wing for the grill. 😆


This was the ingredients used for the chicken wing marinade. Lots of garlic and ginger. we wanted to make the chicken wing a little bit spicy. We used the barbecue sauce too for the marinade. All of these project was done by the 'boys'. 🤣 It is a family tradition, the boys will prepare all the things that related to grill including the food selection and preparation. While the girls will be at the kitchen with their recipes and all other things related to food and drinks. Oh I almost forgot, the boys will be in charge of the liquor and beer from the beer amount and its brand. 😁 My favorite is the Heineken beer.


These are my cousins including my brother with the cap on dark shirt. They were the MVP that time. Start to finished they always on standby to go out and buy things that being needed, and of course for the amazing grilled chicken wing and drinks too. They had to go out several time to buy some of the ingredient and tools that were missing during the preparation.


This was all of the ingredients blended and used as a marinade. The lemongrass also included into the mix, it was used to add good aroma to the grilled chicken wings. At first the marinade ingredient was not enough. They need to add a second batch of the ingredient and luckily they had bought enough ingredients.


Mixing all those ingredient with hand seems better than mixing the ingredient with spoon. Of course the hand was well cleaned before doing the mixing part.


As you can see from the photo above, the drum is our grilling place. The drum was modified by my father and he made the drum into a grilling place with his grinding tools and some screw. I asked him how did he managed to make the grilling place and he simply said it was from the youtube 😅😅.

The drum was burned before it was being used as a grilling place. It was washed until it was clean enough and my father burn all the wood inside the drum before he modified it.


This is how we light the charcoal. It was a different type of charcoal than the one that we usually used. This charcoal was really hard to burn but if it was already burn it will last longer than the regular charcoal.

While waiting for the grilling place to be ready for grilling, we gather around and drink some beer while chit chatting. Some of us shared their experience during the Covid pandemic, some shared about work and some shared about new game. I shared the Hive story for them, some are interested but some just had their interest somewhere else. I hope that someday they know that Hive is a great place for sharing and connecting with new people. Joining other community and make friends at the same time you can earn some value.

After all the chit chat, I went to the kitchen and took some food to eat. It was around 4.30 pm in the evening.


One of my favorite food, the chicken curry. I just ate some portion of rice and the curry, and went to take a nap.

I woke up and the party had already begun. I rushed to take bath and joined my relatives that evening. And that was the last photo that I took before the New Year. I was enjoying the night, taking part of the minigame and the karaoke. It was fun.

And that is all from me today. Only covered some of my before new years activities. I hope you guys enjoyed it. Until we meet again in the next post. Have a great day everyone. Stay safe!

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