Shelf Rack and Family Dinner

Hello everyone 👧.

Heavy rain from Sunday night till Monday afternoon, a cold day, and some location in Sabah were flooded. I'm still going to work at the office, as my brother will come to my workplace to set up the shelf rack that I bought a long time ago. Luckily, no flood on the route to my workplace.

I bought this shelf rack last May 2022, before @butwo was admitted to the hospital and my brother still working at Pulau Penang.

Why is the shelf rack not yet set up after I just bought it? The main reason is not enough manpower.

From that month till Aug 2022, @butwo is the only man who works in my workplace and I need him to help me with my office work until he absences from work (due to being admitted to the hospital). I would like to ask my friend to help me, but my Mum said just wait for my brother come back to Sabah to set the shelf rack up for me. I just followed my Mum command.

There was another story about this shelf rack on the day when I bought it. With sweats 😓 and tears 😢.

A sudden blackout when my Mum, @butwo, and I just arrived at the warehouse that sells household goods at wholesale price. Only emergency lights functioning inside the warehouse. I almost fainted as I sweated too much and was unable to breathe properly due to wearing a face mask. Fortunately, I got brought a hand fan in my handbag to cool myself down while waiting for my Mum who very much enjoys her shopping in the hot and dim light atmosphere warehouse.

We bought goods with quite a big sum of money from the warehouse. Sadly, no bills were printed out from the cashier counter. I would like to request a manual written cash bill to claim as my business's expenses, but I'm not in the mood to request it. First, the cashier was not friendly, and second, I want to get out of this warehouse as soon as possible. I want to hydrate myself with water. I left my bottle of water in the car.

End with my sad shelf rack story. Now, back to today's topic.

My Mum followed my brother to my workplace as we have another plan together after my working hours. We (@butwo , my Mum, and I) looking at my brother setting up the shelf rack.

Walaa...the shelf rack that was set up by my brother with a bit assisting from @butwo.

Our next plan was going to have dinner at a restaurant nearby my workplace. The restaurant served delicious food that was approved by my Mum. She wants to have dinner with my brother, who only has a short holiday from work and will fly back (by flight) to Pulau Pinang tomorrow afternoon. The other family members including my boyfriend, @butwo joined too. My Dad not joining as he doesn't like to eat outdoors due to health matters.

While waiting for dinner time and the arrival of my sister from her workplace at another place. My Mum and brother play with my office cat, Tigor.

Dinner time. We ordered many yummy foods, especially seafood that my brother was unable to enjoy in Pulau Pinang. In Malaysia, Sabah considers A Seafood Heaven that sells cheap seafood.

The foods that we ordered were:-

  1. Buttermilk prawns
  2. Fried curry squids
  3. Sweet and sour sliced fish
  4. Lemon chicken
  5. Egg-salted bitter gourd
  6. Salted vegetable soup with tofu and chicken meat.

There's leftover prawn that we can't finish during our dinner. We made a takeaway and bring back home for my Dad (or maybe me and my sister 🙈) to enjoy.

That's all. Thanks for reading my post 🤗.

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