Fiction Fun- How To Make You Smile

Hello everyone 👧.

This is my entry for ASEAN Hive Community Challenge #35 under the Fiction Fun theme. Similar to last week's fruit challenge, I'm using my animal friends in my life as the central character for my fiction.

This story begins with the title, How to make you smile.

How To Make You Smile

Nikulas has an adopted son named Uku Chan. Nikulas has taken care of Uku Chan for years, but he has never seen Uku Chan smile since adoption.

Uku Chan shows his gloomy face every day.

One day, Nikulas asked his housemate Munyit to teach Uku Chan how to smile. Munyit gladly accepted Nikulas's help request.

Munyit shows off his doll with a bright smile to Uku Chan. Uku Chan did not react when he looked at this doll.

Munyit became serious and he tried to think of other ways to make Uku Chan smile. He doesn't want to disappoint Nikulas's request.

Munyit asked his friend Otel first to help him. However, he got a cold shoulder from Otel.

Otel replied to Munyit saying : It's none of my business.

Next, Munyit asks Tigor for help. Not like Otel, Tigor easily agreed to help him. In order to make Uku Chan laugh, Tigor shows her belly and makes some funny faces at him.

These actions by Tigor also failed. Uku stared blankly at Tigor without showing any signs of smiling.

Motai, a friend of Tigor, is willing to help Munyit after seeing Tigor's attempts to make Uku Chan smile fail.

Motai turned on her favorite comedy show for Uku Chan to watch. Uku Chan almost fell asleep while watching the comedy show on her laptop.

Motai decided to commit suicide in an attempt to make Uku Chan smile. Munyit and Tigor shouted at Motai to stop what she was doing.

Munyit has gave up trying to make Uku Chan smile. He apologised to his friend Nikulas that he is unable to help anymore.

Nana and her daughter Pipi, who live next door, Nikulas asked for help to make Uku Chan smile from them. They accepted the request directly after hearing Nikulas's concerns.

Nana gave counselling to Uku Chan to find out the reason for Uku Chan not smiling. Then, Nana asked Pipi to demonstrate how to smile for Uku Chan to follow.

Uku Chan finally smiled, but in an unnatural way.

Nana informed Nikulas on Uku Chan's progress. Nikulas shocked but not fully satisfied by Uku Chan's performance.

Following Nana's advice, Nikulas forbade Uku Chan from eating his favorite meal until he was able to smile naturally in front of Nikulas.

Uku Chan cannot bear not being able to eat his favorite meal for one day. He trains himself to smile for long hours without sleeping at night.

From an unnatural smile to an unsightly smile from Uku Chan's training. As a result, Uku Chan is now able to smile naturally. He showed off his smile to Nikulas so that he could have his favorite meal every day.

Nikulas tears up with happiness after seeing Uku Chan smile brightly now. He thanks all the friends (Munyit, Tigor, Motai, Nana and Pipi) who helped him to get Uku Chan to smile.

The End

Post Credits


Uku-Chan - My poodle shihzu dog
Nikulas - My home guard dog
Munyit - My lost Persians maine coon grey cat
Otel - My Persians maine coon black cat
Tigor - My office cat
Motai - My mix breed Persian cat (sibling of Munyit and Otel)
Nana - @butwo golden retriever dog
Pipi - @butwo dog adopted from my friend


Taken by @butwo (my boyfriend) and myself

After ending scene

I will be back

That's all. Thanks for reading my post 🤗.

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