Finally We Got a PM / Proving a Fake News

Finally We Got a PM

Hello everyone 👧.

After 5 days of Malaysia's general election, and on the same day my Mum, @butwo and I were experiencing stomachache after eating the self-made yogurt fruit salad, we officially have a new Prime Minister (PM).

In the past, I have never watched the newly elected Prime Minister take the oath in front of Malaysia's King. However, this time three of us watched live on our mobile phones to make sure the Malaysia's 10th Prime Minister was the right one. Because, during the 5 days of waiting for a new Prime Minister, the candidates keep on changing. Furthermore, the opposition parties do not want to admit their loss on the day that the new Prime Minister was appointed.

Two days after our Prime Minister was elected, most of the opposition admitted defeat.

9.00 pm that night, there will be a live press conference from our newly elected Prime Minister. Malaysians, including myself, had anticipated watching it since our Prime Minister had promised to declare a public holiday the next day after he was elected. Disappointedly, we did not get a public holiday on the next day, but we fortunately have a public holiday on next Monday, which is 28 November 2022. Yay!!! 😍

Following confirmation that our Prime Minister has granted Malaysians a public holiday. I flipped the channel to watch the World Cup 2022 matches between Uruguay and South Korea while having pizza with my family members.

My Mum, @butwo and I had recovered from stomachache and we feel that our stomachs were almost empty for frequently going to the bathroom earlier. I just bought this pizza for us and my family at home to eat as late dinner to avoid getting a stomachache due to gastric.

Proving a Fake News

On the next day, which was not a public holiday, and also on Friday, rumors circulating through What Apps Messenger claimed that fuel prices had been lowered. Many said that it was from our newly elected Prime Minister who promised to reduce the fuel price on the first day after he was elected.

The recent manifesto from our Prime Minister did not mention a reduction in the price of fuel, so I disbelieve it. However, when our Prime Minister was in opposition last term, he mentioned it in his previous parties' manifesto.

Here's a fake news picture that has been circulating in Malaysia using one of Malaysia's television station logos.

The fuel price reduction is fake news, I told my friend. My friend did not believe me until we argued in group chat. Okay, since the fuel station was near my house, I told my friend that I would go there to check on it when I went out for work.

I took pictures on the fuel station price meter and the receipt from filling up my car. I shared my receipt to the group chat to prove that there was no price reduction on fuel. After seeing my receipt, the friend who argued with me apologized to me with a cute sticker.

As an addition to my statement in that group chat as well as another one that circulates fake news, I asked my friend to share my receipt to reply to the latest person who shared the fake news. If possible, make my receipt picture viral in social media too 😎.

That's all. Thanks for reading my post 🤗.

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