Thanksgiving Festival


This weekend is the Thanksgiving Festival for those living in United States of America. This is an important yearly occasion through which family members would gather for joyful celebration. Thanksgiving has its root of the pilgrims who migrated to America for freedom and new living in 1620. Life was tough and many migrants lost their lives as they tried to settle down in this new land. Nevertheless, they survived and gradually built their delightful homes. Hence, there are legitimate reasons for them and their descendants to celebrate Thanksgiving annually.

A Greeting from a friend in USA

During the Thanksgiving Festival, I received "Thanksgiving Messages” although this is not a Malaysia Festival. Like it or not, being thankful is a good virtue. Furthermore, it helps to enhance human relationship.
Therefore, we should not limit ourselves for being thankful only during the annual Thanksgiving Festival. Instead, we should inculcate such attitude daily.

Certainly, it is not easy to maintain a thankful attitude. In fact, we don't need to give thanks “for” everything, but we should learn to be thankful “in” all circumstances. For example, many people suffer during the pandemic. It would be ironically to give thanks for the suffering. However, we can give thanks in such situation for the medical treatment which is made available for the victims.

In other words, being thankful in any circumstance means that we can have a positive perspective on what is going on. For example, a person may suffer financially due to COVID19, he or she can try to look for channel to resolve the problem. Indeed, there are people who have transited their businesses during the pandemic. Consequently, they have made a better living than before. Whenever there is a crisis, it can turn out to be an opportunity.

One other way to help us to be thankful is by looking at the needy around us. Comparatively, we may be in a better position. As we try to help them, we can be thankful for the opportunity of helping the needy.

Looking at the nature that we enjoy daily, we should be thankful. Certainly, we can’t live without such natural resources inclusive of the beautiful trees, flowers, animals, breeze etc.

Therefore, always be thankful!

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