Integrity: An Indispensable Hidden Character

We can see a lighthouse from far away. Although we cannot easily perceive integrity of a person, its influence is far reaching.

Integrity is a hidden character of a person. Many people focus on competence, thinking that success is dependent on one’s competence. However, if we employ a competent person who is without integrity, that employee will eventually become our liability rather then an asset.

According to a Chinese saying, “If a child steals only pins, he will steal gold when he has become an adult. ”Hence, it is vital to inculcate a child to be a person of integrity ever since he is young.

Here is a story to help illustrate the importance of nurturing a child with integrity. There was a young adult who left his hometown for a bigger city. When he reached the big city, he did not know anybody nor the land. He was cheated and lost his money. He was depressed and had to live like a beggar.

One day, he picked up a wallet. There was an attractive amount of money and an identity card. Under such situation, many would conveniently take the money for personal consumption. Nevertheless, this beggar was taught not to take anything which was not given to him, nor anything belonged to other people while he was a child. Without much struggle, he took the wallet to the police station. The owner was contacted. Out of gratitude, the owner gave him some money. And the incident was reported publicly that the family finally found the beggar. Thus, the beggar or the young adult was reconnected with his family.

Undoubtedly integrity is a universal virtue. At times, we may be confronted by personal concern that lures us to give up integrity. It is our obligation to love our family and to enable the loved ones to live comfortably and sufficiently. And many people work hard to make money for the family. Consequently, some people are tempted to be involved with corruption and bribery for the sake of their families.

Certainly, it is ethically wrong and a loss of integrity by getting involved with corruption for the sake of the family. We should love our family and loved ones not at the expense of the public welfare.

May our integrity blossom like a beautiful flower!

As human beings, we are to love our family and the community at large. Without integrity, we can’t do so for both our family and the community. We will see a better society, when everyone, if not, the majority, are the practitioners of integrity.

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