Sunday Harvest : Yard to Table Vegetables

Happy weekend every, I hope you're having a great day.

Today I'll be sharing one of todays activity. We did not go to the market todays since its very hot. So for our dinner we went to our backyard to get some camote and taro

Our Taro pond now has a lot of weeds, we haven't cleaned it because sadly it will be soon converted to a road. We just let them stay there until the work of the government starts. It may have a lot of weeds but they sure are still striving.

The taro pond was weedy but the camote was still being maintained by my mother. We were able to get some tops and some camote fruits. They are still giving us much even if they are not watered everyday.

We have two varieties of camote in our yard, one for the root crops and the other one is for the tops. The camote will not have it's fruits if we keep getting it's tops , that the reason why we have to variety for different purpose.

We just pulled enough taro that we can consume for the night. We can always go and get if we want same food for other meals, anyway it's just in our backyard.

And of course my wife is in charge of cooking them.

She blanched the camote tops and then sautéed it with garlic, onion and ginger after wards.

As for the Taro , she also sautéed the leaves and stem with same ingredients.

As for the roots or corm, my mother peeled them and boiled until cooked. This will be our bread substitute while having coffee in the morning.

This is what's great about having a backyard garden where you can plant vegetables. Not only you can save money but also you can be sure that the food you are eating is all organic and safe to eat.

Now that concludes one of my shared activity for this day, I hope you liked it.
Have a nice day, see you in the next one!

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