A Walk Into the Fields of Pugo La Union

Hello Hive friends, today I will be sharing another adventure on a place called Linapew. A friend of my mother invited us to go to their place. They have not seen each other for a long time.

So join us in our adventure...

When we arrived at the place it was all empty fields, It has not been raining these past months so the rivers are dried up so they can't plant rice for now.

As an alternative to rice ,they planted beans ,okra and other vegetables that requires not to much water.

Along the way there are carabao and goat. My son loves them since he don't see this often. And this is why I love going outdoors ,our son learns about many things.

We also came across a native guava tree, It's rare to see this plant here in our place now. I don't know why they are gone now,when we were kids there used to be a lot of this trees.

We continued walking ,my mother is still strong that she even led the way.

After a few more minutes of walking finally we arrived at her friends house. There are a lot of trees around it. It was so peaceful ang quite , we cant even hear a single sound of a any vehicle.

They also have their own goat and chicken, and again the little kid was so excited.

Now this what I realized in this little adventure. Here in the province people may live simple but what makes the stay here worth while is the peaceful and quite soerounding. They can't ask for more because they have everything that they need for living. And this is why I will always choose living in the rural no matter what.

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