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👨My Uncles Making Fence, Mey-Yii Playing With Monkey-B, & More!📨📱

I want to share stuff that happened at home. From my uncles making a fence to my mom being invited to the village chief's new house.

My mom's uncle and brother are working on the fence for 2 days already. My mom's brother came here for about almost a week and my mom's uncle just came here 2 or 3 days ago. My mom's brother is a bit lazy but my mom's uncle is very active and not really lazy. He always wash the dishes after he ate but my mom's brother just leave it there, until someone need to wash them.

The last few days Mey-Yii came to visit us a lot. It looks like my sister and Mey-Yii are back on being best friends. Mey-Yii also bring her little half-sister with her. I don't know the little girl name but when I know I'm tell you.

Yesterday, my mom and my dad went to the village chief's new house. My mom was invited and the village chief's name is Vanna. He invited everyone or almost everyone here to his new house. He held a party for it. I heard from one of my friends who live near there said, that his invited a lot of people. My mom said it is about 500 people. Since my mom and my dad went early there are not much people. There are only food with meat and my mom and dad don't to stay there long, they just give us 12 cans of Fanta.

Since my mom uses her phone to make her post, she could do it anywhere as long as there are Wifi. I don't know why making a post near a road is so fun but it looks like she doesn't care much. A lot of places near Thmor Da Toch got burned. I don't know why but some people said it just caught fire somehow. My mom, my dad and I don't think so. I think someone burns them. It is very sad that a lot of tree got burned.

Monkey B