🧙‍♂️ My And My Sister's Harry Potter Book Set, & A Short Introduction To Each Book! 📙 🧙‍♂️



My family got the packages yesterday and I got a lot of stuff to share but for now I will show you my and my sister's Harry Potter book set. There are 7 books. They are called Harry Potter And The Sorcerer's Stone, Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets, Harry Potter And The Prisoner Of Azkaban, Harry Potter And The Goblet Of Fire, Harry Potter And The Order Of The Phoenix, Harry Potter And The Half-Blood Prince, And Harry Potter And The Deathly Hollows.


The set is almost 80 dollars. First of all I got two Harry Potter and The Sorcerer's Stone. It is because my dad bought me one to try out. I haven't read all of the books but I did watch all of the movies.


I think I used to read Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets in Khmer but I don't really remember much. I know a lot about the movie because I probably watch it about 20 times or more.


I don't what happened in the book but in the movie there is murder called Sirius Black. He isn't a murder but people say he is. It is also Animagus (wizards or witches that can turn into animals). He got out of Wizards Prison called Azkaban. Then he try to kill a rat which is also an Animagus. It is because that rat is a traitor that got Harry's parents killed. Well I don't remember much because I haven't watch it for half a year.


This the forth one and it is probably the best one. It is because at the very first they are happy stuff then some bad wizards called Death Eaters came and torture everyone they saw. After that there is a tournament called the Triwizards Tournament. It can get people kill. Then there is a ball called the Yule Ball. After the last tournament Voldemort has return because of the rat but he is not a rat anymore. He is a wizard ugly one if you asked me. A student called Cedric Diggory got killed. You will understand it better if you watch the movies or read the books.


This one I don't remember much but there is a good organization called Order Of The Phoenix. It is found by Dumbledore during the first war. I seriously don't remember much about this one but I think attack some Dementors because they are trying to kill him or something. He then got some problem with the Ministry of Magic and almost got expelled. There are more but I don't remember much. Sorry if I confused it with the Half-Blood Prince.


I think in the Half-Blood Prince Dumbledore got killed by Snape (he is a double agent). I think Dumbledore and Snape got it planed out somehow. I mean Snape is not that bad of a person but he is very strict and scary.


The last one Harry, Ron (Harry's best friend), and Hermione (also Harry's best friend) know about the Horcruxes. I don't really know how to explain it but it can hold pieces of people's souls in it. Voldemort has them and I think there are seven of them. So Harry and his friends didn't attend school that year. In the movie there are part 1 and part 2. Part 2 is when all the battle and sad stuff happened. Well, Fred (one of Ron's twin brother) died and the twin is my favorite character. It is because they love to pull pranks and always happy (for most part), also very funny.


Here are all of them. The forth and the fifth ones are very thick, and I think I might need 1 month or 2 to finish it.

Monkey B
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