5 Pieces Of Fish For 1/2 Kg : My Viand For The Day! 😋

Hello everyone!

Hope all are safe and well!

When I am away from home and alone, I didn't worry of what I am going to eat. Because whatever available foods are okay with me even it means to eat same viand for the meals in the day and the next day. 😁

Yesterday, I got 5 pieces of fish weighed 1/2 kg for ₱75.00 or $1.46 only. I only fried last night the 5 pieces of fish. So, after cleaning the fish, I rubbed it with salt and sprinkle magic sarap.


Then, I fried it both sides until golden brown. The cooking oil I used is just enough to cook the 5 pieces. I did not use a lot because I am budgeting my food expenses. 😀



Here's the finish product of my fried fish. You might be surprised that there's two pieces of hotdogs. 😀 Well, I fried two pieces of hotdogs while the fried is about to cook. I fried it because I am craving for the hotdog and I remember I still have stocks of hotdogs. 😀


My viand for dinner last night are two pieces of fried hotdogs and one piece of fried fish with rice. I also paired it with atchara I got from home. 😋


Guess what, fried fish is also my viand for breakfast and lunch today. So, I already consumed three pieces of fried fish since dinner last night until lunch today. Later, when I am off from work I gonna cook fish soup out of the two remaining fried fish I have. 😀

Having same viand for the day is not a problem with me especially that I am alone here and it is only me who is eating the food. 😀

Have a Blessed Friday everyone! 😀😀😀💖💖💖

Thank You Lord for the blessings and love!

Be grateful in every little/simple things and you'll find happiness you ever wanted! 😀😀😀

Everyday is worth to be grateful of!

Praying for the safety and wellness of all.

Heal Our Land Oh God!



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