TGIF- Blessing of my Friends car

Good day, guys!

Hey guys! If you read about my previous post I ended up staying late by writing. I had to wake up early because I wanted to accompany my friends to have their new car blessed. I was alarmed at 7:45, the alarm sounded different so I thought that I was dreaming. I woke up with a headache, but I had to get ready because I already committed. After getting ready, we all went to Saint Mary's Catholic Church and had their car blessed. The ceremony was actually quick. I'm truly happy for them that they were able to achieve this after all the hard work they have done here. And I continue to pray that they will continue to be blessed.


After the blessing, we decided to go inside the church and pray. After praying we went outside and lit a candle to lift up all our intentions.

From there, we went to a place named Rigga. It was my first time exploring that part. We ate in a place called Pinoy Lomi House. I ended up ordering a bowl of bulalo lugaw(beef Porridge). I enjoyed it and it made me miss my mom's cooking, she can make it better haha


From there, we decided to go to Dubai Hills Mall. It was my second time visiting that place. We went there to collect the bibs and shirts for the run that will happen on November 20, 2022. I really love this mall it's well organized and there are only a few people. The only drawback is that there are no busses that pass through there so, it's either you have a car or take a taxi to go to this mall. We went looking around after getting the shirts. My friend bought some stuff from the other shops. We also went to the grocery and played some games. I hope that I'll win that 1000 AED after registering.





When we were on our way home, I was falling asleep already. So when we got home, I was just resting a bit then I decided to go to the gym. I went to the gym and it was one of my worst workouts because my head was hurting while I was lifting and I was feeling dizzy. Though I was able to finish. I went around the community first and ended up buying some groceries. I also decided to eat out because I was so lazy to cook. I ate dinner, got home and took a bath, and did the laundry. After that I was able to play with my brother and cousin, still looking for a good character in Overwatch 2. My head was just bobbing while I was writing this. I'm happy that I was able to become productive today. I hope that you guys enjoy the weekend!

Thanks for reading stay safe always!

The photos used in this post are owned by me.



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