Beautiful and Sublime Sunday- Life is Quick

Good day, guys!

This post is for #SublimeSunday which is initiated by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday which is initiated by @ace108.

It's Sunday again and I didn't expect my day to start like this. Recently, I had to switch partitions so I'm sleeping in a new place, right in front of the aircon and I'm in the bunk bed. Though I'm glad that my flatmates helped me put up a barrier you would still feel the cold. My sleep last night was intermittent, I'm such a light sleeper that I wake up whenever someone enters the room or moves stuff. My sleep was intermittent, I even woke up to a throbbing headache. I woke up 30 minutes before my alarm because my roommate was moving. I made myself sleep again til I woke up with my alarm. I still woke up with that headache and felt really crappy. Had to get ready and went to work. I'm glad that I was able to catch the bus without rushing. Had to survive a longer commute because it was Sunday. Got down the metro station and went to take the bus to go to work. Got to see some other colleagues riding also.


Went to work and my first patient was waiting, we really had a nice talk, he was telling me things about getting citizenship elsewhere for a more secure future if I ever decide to have children.

I just loved speaking with the next patient because she called Baguio her 2nd home, we were reminiscing about the good old days. It seemed therapeutic to me.

The following patients were a couple, I treated the guy first. Unfortunately, they had to move house and I could imagine how difficult it is because the longer your stay in a place you usually accumulate things. He complained of back pain from the moving.

The wife just came from the flu and compared to her first session she said her pain has been improving. What enticed me the most was that she was about to take the NCLEX. It just reminded me of the first time I tried taking the PT counterpart of that exam for the US but I failed that exam. But it brought me opportunities. Her exam is fast approaching and I hope that she'll be able to pass it. That just reminded me of the anxiety that I got when the exam is close by. Though, what surprised me the most is that she still work and at the same time studied.


My next patient is an old patient, He usually switches therapists depending on his needs. He doesn't speak as much. Though there was one call that bothered me the most during treatment. It was from one of the receptionists saying that the others will get lessened hours for Ramadan and I have to work OT for it. To be honest that destroyed my mood. They also endorsed my next patient. They said that they'd pay the OT, but when one of my colleagues computed it before it wasn't even worth it and last year, they even didn't pay the OT. But I guess I can't do anything about that.

The next patient was a really cool guy, he was sharing with me his dreams of making his own garage and living in Bali by the beach. He asked me what are my dreams and I couldn't even answer him. It made me think of what I'm doing with my life. That hit me and it made me think in my head about what I truly want in life. I'm truly thankful that I meet these kinds of patients who make me reflect.


My next patient didn't show up but they sent someone for electro. After that, my next patient came. We were just speaking about crypto. He's scared to buy some more because he bought at the peak and sold at the bottom. He told me that I should invest in real estate in our home country. After treating him I had lunch at 3:15. One of our colleagues just came back from vacation and she gave me some dried mangoes and biscocho.


When I went inside the clinic, my next patient was waiting for me, the last time I saw him was last year. He was telling me all the events that happened to him and his family. I really feel bad that his dad was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, I truly hate that disease. Though, I'm glad that he's looking at it in a positive way. He was also telling me about his adventures and it was really interesting and I hope that I'll be able to do that in the future.

The next patient was someone I haven't seen for a long time, she said that she was really busy. We were talking about our pets and how they can help us therapeutically, especially when we come home from work and they would go to us.

Then my last 2 patients came, and one of my colleagues asked if I could treat them at the same time. I said I'll try thinking that the case of the new one was just a typical case, and when I got him, I was regretting that I treated the patients at the same time because his case was regarding his TMJ which is something that I wasn't good at. I just became honest with him and taught him some exercises. My last patient is one of my patients who's frustrating to treat because, whenever I see him, I ask if there's an improvement, and he said there's no improvement at all. It's actually difficult to speak with him because of the language barrier.

I got to speak to some of my colleagues before going down. And when I went down I saw my Doctor, I was so drained that I didn't like to speak to him because he was asking me about the timings. I just realized I said something stupid and didn't say what I really wanted. After that, my colleague brought me to the Metro station. From the metro station, I decided to go to the mall, my mind was so preoccupied I went down the wrong metro station first before going to the mall. I thought I'd like to get something in the mall but I ended up going outside of it and exploring some of the places where I could eat dinner.

I decided to eat at this restaurant that serves different kinds of cuisines. I decided to get chicken Pulao. It was my first time tasting this kind of meal. There were so many ingredients that they used in the rice, there were cashews, veggies, chicken, and a lot of spices. It also came with their yogurt sauce, a drink, and that yellow thing that tasted so citrusy. I truly enjoyed this meal after a long day. '

I went to ride the bus going home and what kinda turned me off and made my headache worse was the smell of the person beside me, it was so hard to breathe through my nose. Thankfully I survived that 30-40 minute bus ride just going home. One thing that I noticed is that my wrists are starting to hurt badly, even as I am typing this. I have a feeling I've been using them too much whenever I treat patients.

I'm truly thankful for today despite all the crap that happened, and I look forward to better days.


Thanks for reading stay safe always!

The photos used in this post are owned by me.



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