From Fever to Recovery: My Journey with Dengue

The last Tuesday, I wasn't feeling well at all. I experienced extreme fatigue and my entire body was shaking uncontrollably. Despite feeling unwell, I decided not to seek medical attention and instead relied on taking Panadol and getting some rest. Unfortunately, once the effects of the Pandol had worn off, my body started to shake and tremble again.

The next day it seemed that my condition had not improved. So I decided to go to the hospital to get treatment. Since I was in no condition to drive, I asked for assistance from my wife to drive me there. From my house to the hospital would take around 30 minutes of driving. I was lucky that the traffic was not bad.

Upon arrival at the hospital, I straight away went to the emergency department. My wife helps me to register my name at the registration counter. After that, I was taken to the triage area. There, I was given a preliminary checkup to determine my condition.

After the doctor had done the preliminary checkup, the doctor then sent me to the Yellow Zone. At the Yellow Zone, I was asked to lie down on the bed and rest. A few moments later, a nurse came and hooked me with an IV drip. The nurse also checked my temperature. At the time, my temperature was 42 Celcius.

My blood was also taken for a blood test. From the blood test, it was concluded that I am infected with dengue. Upon learning of my diagnosis, the doctor informed me that I would need to be admitted to the hospital for further treatment and care.

I was in the Yellow Zone for almost a day before I was sent to the ward. I was hospitalized for a total of six (6) days. At the moment, I was feeling extremely fatigued and exhausted. I don't have the energy to do anything except for lying down in bed.

The IV drip treatment has provided me with some relief from my fever. Thanks to the IV drip, my fever has been brought down to a more manageable level. After the sixth day, I was allowed to be discharged. Thankfully my fever has already subsided. However, I need to bare with the fatigued and dizziness for a few more days.

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