2024 new eyeglasses

I have been wearing my spare eyeglasses for more than 3 years now. Previously, my eyeglasses were broken during the national lockdown, and I have been delaying replacing them. Last Saturday, my spare eyeglasses frame was broken. Since I can't see without my eyeglasses, I have no choice but to go to the optical shop.

In Kuala Lumpur, the cheapest, fastest, and widest choice of optical shop can be found in Sungei Wang Plaza, in Bukit Bintang. Out of all of the optical shops, I usually went to Eye Pro Vision. For me, that shop offers the biggest choices and the lowest price.

Before we headed to Sungei Wang, I and my wife discussed and agreed to also make pair of new eyeglasses for both of my daughters.

When we arrived at the optical shop, it was full of customers. We even had a hard time navigating inside the shop. Instead of hurdling inside the shop with other customers, we decided to get a drink at a nearby restaurant within the mall and go back to the optical shop in another 30 or 40 minutes.

After finishing our drinks, we went back to the optical shop. It looked like we had made a good call. There were only a few customers left when we arrived back at the optical shop.

I then asked my daughters to choose the frame that they wanted. Finding a suitable frame for my youngest daughters is quite challenging. She has a small face and requires a smaller size frame.

After spending some time going through the selection, my youngest daughter found the frame that she liked. As for me and my eldest daughter, we choose a similar frame as our previous eyeglasses.

The next thing to do is to have our sight checked after choosing our frame. One by one, we were asked to go inside a small room at the back of the shop. Inside the room is a small screen that is used to show the eye chart alphabet. For those who don't know, you are required to read the alphabet out loud and inform the optometrist whether you see the alphabet clearly or not. The color blind test is also conducted inside the small room.

Before the optometrist proceeded to make the eyeglasses according to our test result, I was required to make the payment beforehand. For three eyeglasses, I was charged an amount of MYR700. This is cheap if I were to compare it with other optical shop prices.

This is the frame that I chose. In terms of design, it is 100% identical to my spare eyeglasses. The only difference is, the frame comes with 4 clip-on lenses. Out of all the lenses, I like the yellow lens. I was told by the optometrist that the yellow lens would enhance my vision when driving at night time.

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