Came From Indonesia To Be Root In Hive

A writer's satisfaction lies not only in the way he expresses words and sentences in a written work but also how to seek friendship and universal communication, there is no limit to the style of association in this world but it all lies in the way we understand the world and its contents.

Life is a long line of words and sentences to understand every line, not only the world can play a role in making you smile but every string of words and sentences is a breath of life that will never run out and be lost by time.

Because I'm quite old, people even say that my life might end soon but the spirit of expression in the world of writing is my breath and life. Even though the years passed and brought me to the age of more than half a century, my soul was still like the age of a young man who could not be underestimated.

I always try to be an inspiration to young people even though sometimes the lives of young people have different characters from their parents but to be like them is not difficult for me because at first I was young.

My presence at HIVE may be the final point for me to express myself in the art of writing. Initially I was an amateur blogger who learned from how to read some of someone's writings in various online and offline media and I accidentally read an article from a blogger describing the HIVE Platform out of curiosity, so I went straight to this platform. One thing that makes me happy is because at HIVE it turns out that all ages are here, children, teenagers, teenagers, parents and even Grandpa and Grandma may also be here when I see their profiles. The feeling of being proud to be here makes me show my true self-image because I don't feel ashamed because many parents are also taking part here.

  • My name is Bosstom
  • Old Root blogger nickname

There are also many Indonesians here and I hope I can make friends with them. Not only the local community, but the elderly and elderly living with HIVE, I hope they can make friends with me and become part of the big family here.
One thing you need to know is that I am an educated person who is still active in the world of work, my job is a state intelligence officer who works to eradicate corruption. There are several of my friends who carry out the same task and you need to know that working as a state intelligence officer must have broad insight and deep knowledge for that I always look for factual inspiration from reading someone's writing and I hope this is the place.

When I'm the director of a meeting

The world may take my life at any moment but I can smile because there are many works that I can leave for many people to enjoy. My life may be worthless in front of others but I always try to make other people happy because that is my character who always has a soul to make other people happy.

Writing may be the final story and work of my career in my world, so at this old age I always hope to be a root that can withstand the waves and trials of old age. Is it possible that I can be HIVE rooted until I finally become dry and withered.

Thank you!
Regards @rootts


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