Little Shibuya test shot

Greetings and Hi all Asean Hivers. Is been a while. How are you all doing? Firstly i would like to apologize for not recent posting due to some of my workload recently. As today i manage to free up some of my time and share my post again. Please Join me for today's excitement.

Little Shibuya

Located at center of Bangkok. Just in front the mall name SIAM. Opened recently few months ago before the border fully opened for tourist. During the past it was never like this before, and this area were fully renovated during the pandemic covid-19. It was like preparing for the over of covid. Why is name Little Shibuya? Because of those glowing neon lights all along the street and the crowds, looks alike i guess?

K - Bank.
One of the leading Bank leads by Bangkok bank. Has it's own branch over here. Introducing it's K - Cloud server and of course it's own NFT. Looks like crypto is accepted and being promoted by bank as well.

The Neon door
One of the changeable lights follows by anthem. Lot's of youngster and tourist went here for photos. Not only that it also leads you into a mall which located inside form it.

Crowded. As you can see is so crowded until officer needed to arrange the crowd and traffic.

Not to forget about decos from Japan as well. The Chibi Maruko Chan is here with Free photo shooting for all as well.

Not only for photos section, but also for content such as Tiktok and youtube as well. Most importantly is FREE for all. No matter you're a local or tourist. So why not?

So that's from me today. Until next time my friend. Keep rocking and hiving my dear Hivers. Sawadee Khrup🙏

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