Japan's weirdest signboard

Haik Konichiiwaa mina san. alright the rest i've no idea anymore 😅. What's up asean hivers. What's up for today? Have you ever heard of Japan has the weirdest things every time? Yes Indeed i must say. They really do. Follow me and I'll show you more.

Osaka Shinsekai aka Shinsekai market is the place i wanted to show you today. As you can see from below is just outside Ebisucho Metro and take Exit 3 which lead you directly to this view.

And this the Tsutenkaku tower 360 degree observation deck. But with time limit and ticket purchase to go up there.

Giant? Huge? Naniii? No no quite there yet.

This would be the first shop you'll seen. With view of tower and just infront of it as well.

Over here you'll seen a lot of this kinda shooting arcade. With signature monkey as they believes is wealth and luck from it.

View from the walking street.

Light the night with Sumo signboard

More weird and huge signboard along the street.

Sushi restaurant with Giant Octopus as their signature.

Another monkey good luck shrine alongside the street for you to make some offering or donation.

Wanted to shoot it without tourist is kinda hard except using apps only can be achieve those kinda effect.

Wanted to wait for the tower to lights up too bad it doesn't. No luck during my visit that time. Maybe another time. View during dawn and less crowded as it's getting. Time to say goodbye. Sayonara Niipon.

Until next time my friend. See ya and keep keep buzzing.

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