Good food makes you happy with doggy

So it was kinda late last night, and our stomach playing the drum of libration as Dum dum dummmm, as cant get ride of it so we decided to drove to the town for some filling and came across here. Let me show you some of it.

Entrance with a small pond with a statue pouring water.

Front view of this restaurant that we going to settle down. Quite quiet with some jazz and sound of water playing from here.

Herry the beagle wanted to join as well. So i put her inside her mercedes benz aka her cart lol.

She is looking where am i going. Wondering and sniffing around for the new and unfamiliar smells around.

Menu from shop. Simple with words and no pictures. Anyone likes this type of simple menu?

Good food makes you happy. yup I have to agree with it. It is indeed correct. Ambient from the front counter.

Spotted this so called olden days water pump by hand. Surprisingly the owner still kept it well maintain to this days. I bet younger generation doesn't know what it is.

Herry waiting quietly for her turn to play around.

And after 5 mins of waiting, here it comes. Everything cook it by electrical pot. Which means you just put everything inside and wait for it to be cooked.

After some mins finally, is time. Menu i ordered name Jim Jung aka everything you cooked it inside a pot. Time to eat and see you around my friend. Love you all.

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