Dinner by the lakeside with magnificent view

entrance to the restaurant

Morning everyone. In today's post i want to share with you this restaurant that located in bangkok for it's lakeside view. Which i came here 2-3 years ago during covid period and re-visit here last night with my friends. Allow me to show you some of the ambient here.

check in area for photography section

Upon walking in, it welcomes you firstly and you can see the one part of the dining area. Decorated with LED lights all along.

Not only there, there's a special jetty dine in area which located just in front of it. So this the place i choose for my dining in. And of course is open air for more cozy breezing air over the night too.

Let's see what they offer here

Upon waiting for my order, i walk around and took some night view for you all. Yes as you can see is surrounded by high rise building.

There's live band performing at the time as well.

Dinner with some pizza and thai som tum anyone? I ordered 2 different taste which is seafood and the other is chicken with teriyaki sauce.

How can you miss it out their Bingsu for this hot summer? Mango bingsu after meal anyone like me?

A lil camp for photo as well. Impact Lakefront with camp view.

They even offer you the ride of speedboat of well. But no idea how much this time is.

Well what you think? Is time for me to go home after gathering and chit chatting with friends. Have a wonderful weekend ahead. See ya around soon.

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