ASEAN Hive Community Challenge #78 Black & White Photography

What's up dear Hivers. How's your weekend going? Since we're having B&W photo challenge and this is my entry for today's challenge.

Since is my first time enter for this B&W challenge. I decided to walk around the market for some shots. After edit into B&W, it gave me a feeling like im time traveling back in time for them. Tbh this market has been around more than 30 years and a lot has change ever since modern society kicks in. But it still preserves those olden days shops lot around but not occupied due to some reason.

Behind house of mine there's a sugarcane farm. With Herry the beagle of course. Sniffing around for petrol i guess 😆.

Round way to farm behind.

Another farm which located across the river is the rice field. With almost end of rice season over here.

A farmer cleaning up the stuck grass and wood etc at the river with its tractor. As river will flows more faster and smoothly to prevent cloak and water rising since is now raining seasons again here. And safety for the children as well.

After walking around the farm Herry is resting up as exercise too much i guess.

And is time for dinner. This the dinner i prepapre for the family. Thai style chicken rice. Is it look kinda weird in B&W for food? Or maybe i'm not use to it.

Well that's for today. Thank you so much for your kind support and voting my friend. As always, see you on the next chapter. Bye ~

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