Grilling burnt sausages

hello everyone I'm alone when writing this post I really feel lonely alone in this room. I did New Year's activities yesterday with my family but when everyone left I was very lonely I asked when this feeling would go away and I really hope all is peaceful.

what's your program dear? I wish you a happy new year 2023, I hope that in the future we will be very lucky and a lot of happiness will come. What's your program dear, are you going on vacation with your family or going with your partner? I hope you are happy enjoying this life. Don't be like me.

there are many people who can't celebrate this new year moment, they are one of my friends he migrated to the city of Bali he really wants to go home but he said he has no money, I know he really wants to go home, I can't help him and I can only give him encouragement so that he is not sad.

this moment I'm grilling sausages I'm not proficient at using a burner which I think is not quite right for burning sausages as a result the sausages are burnt because of my negligence, I also eat burnt ones and it tastes a little bitter. but still delicious hehe

This morning I was a little annoyed because of the statement from my mother that eating in the room can cause her soul mate to be far away, I slightly disagree with that statement because I really think it doesn't make any sense.

maybe that's all I can share dear actually I have a lot on my mind so I can't sleep well I don't know why but I have to release that energy by typing and letting out my thoughts like this because winning can help me feel a little relieved when I type fan get ideas out of my brain this, actually from the start typing it still feels heavy then to the middle I'm a little relieved and finally this last paragraph I feel relieved but I don't know what will happen in the next few hours, I hope this is fine.


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