Cats Love to Sleep

Hello, good morning, all Hivers, friends of Ecency, wherever you are. the weather today is quite cloudy and not hot at all but it is not raining. how are you dear? can you still smile? I hope you are always happy. I'm very sad today and can't smile because today I got a bill to pay for my college this morning at 8 I entered krs and the total bill was $ 95 I was very sad because I just had $ 35 and still less about $ 76 how do I get that money? can you help me dear with your generosity and spaciousness of sustenance hopefully there are good people who are willing to help me.


hi dear, my cat is named "Kempus" he is a cat that looks like my boyfriend's cat, I feel from day to day he is very sleepy at work he only sleeps today he hasn't woken up I don't know if he stayed up late last night.


He doesn't have a cat cage, dear, but he likes to sleep on the sofa. he is very smart he does not like to poop in my house and he will not steal fish unless given but I have bought him special cat food for him. but he really likes fish.


Does anyone know if a sleeping cat is very stiff? just look at his feet it's very cute, dear. Do you have a cat at home too? what is your cat's name?



At the time I wrote this last sentence he was already awake dear now it's 09:37. and last night I saw another person's tiktok video whose cat died in his arms he was crying a lot when he took his last breath. I who saw also immediately shed tears and couldn't even imagine if it was a collapse.

That's it, dear, our conversation. I really hope there is a miracle I can get a lot of sustenance to pay for my college. I'm so desperate too why no one helps. happy friday dear see you next my post.


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