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Hello Hive Community

Introducing my name is Rahmat Riski, I come from Punteut, Dusun baroe, Blang Mangat District, Lhokseumawe City. I am 21 years old. I just finished my final project at the lhokseumawe state polytechnic and I majored in electrical engineering, electrical technology study program. And my graduation category in college was very satisfying.

I was born on December 30, 1999, Ihokseumawe. And I was born on a Monday night. My daily activities now are helping my parents both in terms of going to the garden, rice fields and accompanying me to take land to Bireuen or other places.

And I know about this ecency from one of my friends, namely @akhyar23. He was the first to introduce Ecency to me at that time. I hope that my presence in ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY, friends can support me and guide me because I am still a beginner here.

This is my first post in the ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY, I hereby state that in the future I really want to be active in writing in the ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY.

This is a photo when I finished my graduation in the lobby on the 3rd floor of the Lhokseumawe State Polytechnic. So when the graduation was over, we went downstairs to take pictures with our classmates and friends from the village. After we took pictures in the campus yard, we ate rice in the park near the workshop.

My hope after joining the blockive hive platform is to be able to write or create useful content, so that I can earn a little extra income from the results of my writing on this hive platform. I hope you enjoy my introductory post here. Please if there is an error in the words or in terms of writing.

That's my introductory post on ecency this time, see you in my next post!.
