Simple Corn Party with My Family

Let me share the amazing experience my family had when we visited Musi Village, where my wife grew up and where her parents' house is located.

The farm behind the house.

We went there with my wife, our kids, and the whole family. My son is 11 years old and he was so happy to meet his 12, 9, and 4-year-old cousins. My wife's younger sister, who is 24 years old and not married, was there too, along with my wife's older sister, who is the mom of the three cousins.

my son picking some corn.

the cousin, she is 9.

Ketut just played with the puppy, not helping to pick up corn.

On one afternoon, we all went to a farm near the house to pick some corn. This includes Eggy, a little puppy who tagged along with Ketut, the youngest cousin.

Peeling the corns

We filled up a bag with corn, then peeled it. After that, we grilled the corn on a wooden stove and had a little party later. The corn was delicious, but what made it special was being together with the whole family.

preparing fire to grill the corn.

Some chickens were curious about the corn.

Some corn were ready to eat.

We laughed a lot and talked while we grilled the corn. It felt really nice to do something simple together.

It's the grilled corn, oh yeah!

The simple party.

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