Bread Overload Crisis, Please Send Help!

Hey there, bread enthusiasts and fellow carb lovers! Today it's time for me to share my baking quest, and oh friends do I have a tale to tell!

You see, I recently jumped headfirst into the world of bread-baking! I've always been a fan of homemade bread, but lately, I've taken my obsession to a whole new level and this is just the beginning!

I feel like my kitchen is good to transform into a bread-making factory, where every inch of countertop is filled with various types of bread dough.

So far, I have made rolls, artisan bread, regular potato, and sweet potato loaf bread, and sourdough bread. I'll will share more photos in the future. Since there is a wide variety of bread that I still want to try to bake, it's a never ending queue of dough that seems to keep multiplying like rabbits!

Now my house is becoming a bread storage haven. You might be wondering, why don't I just stop baking! I know, its easier said than done. One thing you should know about me is that, when I start a project, I really put my heart into it. Baking isn't easy, its a trial and error. And, in order for me to get better at it, I have to keep practicing. That means, I have to keep making breads!

The sole method I can use to maintain the freshness of these breads is by storing them in the freezer since homemade breads lack additional preservative ingredients found in store-bought varieties, tend to loss its fresh ess relatively. Pretty soon, if archeologists ever study the bread of the 21st century, they should come take at look at my freezer.

Every now and then, our meal is accompanied with a fresh out-of-the-oven bread. But the thing is, I have so much dough bread that I am worried that my waistline is going ro protest! Haha Don't get me wrong, I enjoy indulging in my creations but I limit myself to how many carbs I can handle. I don't want to gain a hundred pounds over the winter! Haha

So, dear readers, I come to you in humble request, if you're in the neighborhood and have an empty bread box, please swing hy and adopt some loaves or rolls. Just help this bread-obsessed baker avoid becoming a permanent fixture at the local gym!

In the meantime, I'll be here surrounded by my flour-covered kitchen, dough rising in every corner.

Until next time, my fellow bread enthusiasts, may your lives be filled with delicious carbs and happy taste buds! And for the love of all things gluten, please send help!


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Welcome to my short blogs, a space where I share inspiring posts that you won't find on my blog page. If you're in the mood for longer reads, feel free to visit Purepinay's blog page.

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