Rompik | A Special Cambodian Fruit In The Rice Fields Of Pursat


Hello everyone. Today I walked to the rice field near the forest. It's maybe 5km from my house. In this place there are a lot of nature and some wild things to eat. This plant is named "rompik". It is green, and we eat it just for fun.



We can eat so much of these fruits. This rompik is ripe, but we can eat them ripe or unripe. It's a small fruit and has small thorns. The leaves also have small thorns that you can see in the picture. Rompik trees have a lot of thorns. We can take tree to make sketch. I take the photo with my Oppo A53 and the fruit in the forest. It grow in the forest and rice field in my village.


We can cut the rompik to eat and this I cut it to eat under the sun in the rice fields. I really like this plant in the forest and I want to show you something you don't know. In the rice fields there are a lot of people cut it to eat. It is delicious when ripe. This fruit started in the rainy season in April to october. This rompik fruit started one year ago.


The rompik tree we can do something in the kitchen as sketch and especially it can make medicine for lady in born baby. It is 2 meters tall from the land. The leaves are green all season.



The rompik is ripe. I put it in the hat and no plastic for put it. It's sweet and delicious. When it ripe is black fruit. I like eat it so much.

When I want to eat it, I just walk to outside for cut it to eat.

Thank you for reading
I wish you success in life. Escape the covid-19. Have a good trip.

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