The Heart of the Home: Strengthening Family Bonds

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I loved bonding with my cousins. We were used to being together every single day, talking about what we were doing, what we were going to do, or what had happened throughout our days, along with random stuff. We even ate together, even though each of our parents owns a house, because we live in a compound property owned by our Lolo. Our memories together are priceless.

Like when we were just little, both Lola and Lolo took care of us because our parents were working for a living. I cherish the moments we’ve laughed a lot about us being hardheaded and would get hit by Lolo with a stick. Fighting with each other cause were not liking the same movie or drama to watch with, but we celebrated all occasions together, most importantly Christmas and New Year.

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Those were the only times we got to bond as a whole family because all my aunts and uncles would come home for those special days to celebrate together. We’ve always supported each other with everything we could, whether it was financial or just moral support.

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Life gets busier as we’ve grown older, but we still manage to bond and chill with each other’s company, just like we used to as a kids, fighting over pillows and blankets.

Life may take us on different paths, but the strong and enduring ties that bind us remain unbreakable. We treat each other as siblings and love one another, even if we sometimes argue and fight about many things. We send each other heartfelt wishes and reminders to keep going and fight for our dreams in the future. I feel so lucky to be part of this family and to be loved by them. From childhood up until adulthood, they’ve been more than just my family; they’ve been my companions on this chapter of my life.

I’m so thankful to God for giving me such amazing cousins whom I will forever cherish. I wouldn’t trade this life for anything in the world.

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In 2019, excitement filled the air as my tita finally returned home from America with her family. We visited Sirao Flower Garden, Temple of Leah and Taoist Temple with my whole family for the first time and create new memories together.

As we walk through the Flower Garden, I was instantly captivated by the explosion of color, a magical atmosphere perfect for family bonding. It feels like I was stepping into a fairytale, from the sunflowers to delicate roses, each blossom dancing in the gentle breeze with the colorful breathtaking views.

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Then, entering the Temple of Leah felt like stepping into a romantic fairytale. The Greco-Roman Architecture and with its details, transported me to the past era. The surrounding gardens, with colorful blooms, added to the sense of enchantment. Inside are the sculptures and portraits of Leah, the woman, the temple was built for and decorations hung in the halls.

Also, the Taoist Temple felt like a journey offered peacefulness. In the temple, the air fill with the gentle chanting of devotees. Rows of statues and mythological creatures. The atmosphere and vibes send calmness. Both temples, despite their differences, left a lasting impression.

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Then, we, family catching up on lost times and shared stories about our lives, our dreams, and everything without minding the time. We captured these precious moments with photos, forever engraved the smiles and laughter into our memories, reminding us of the importance of family.

This special day served as a beautiful reminder of our family bonding. Overall I love all of the places we've been to, but sadly we only visited 3 destination because were short on time, but other than that, I enjoyed our short wanders around. I want to go back here with the whole family again.

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I enjoyed our time in Ratskii food park, from there different kind of delicious foods to the varieties of sweets in both familiar flavors and trying new ones. I also love the settings because it’s near the sea and the aroma of it send peace and calmness. Strolling along the shore just barefoot is so relaxing and enjoyable. The atmosphere, offered a chance to create lasting memories with loved ones and raise a feeling of togetherness, we left with full tummies and happy hearts and I will forever cherished every moments.

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But this is the sad part, a heavy weight hung in the air as we gathered at the airport to say goodbye to Tita and her family. The laughter was replaced by a quiet murmur of conversations and a silent sobs and tears. As we all realized the distance that would soon separate us.

Our goodbyes were filled with hugs, whispered take care and be safe and the reminders to always call when something happens or updates in life. Yet, aside the sadness, there was also hope. Hope for their new adventures, for the experiences that awaited them, and for the day when we would be reunited again. Photos were taken, capturing these final moments together.

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As the final boarding call echoed through the terminal, we waved goodbye. The departure lounge grew quieter, but even as they disappeared through the gate, a sense of promise a waits. We knew that the miles separating us wouldn't lessen the love we shared, and that technology would allow us to stay connected, keeping the family burning brightly until the day we could be together again. Knowing that I belong to such a strong and supportive bond, makes me incredibly happy and proud.

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Last Mother’s Day, my tita from abroad surprised the mothers in the Philippines. Despite the distance separating her from her loved ones, she made sure to show her love in a meaningful way. Imagine the delight on the mothers’ faces as they realized that Tita had planned a special celebration just for them! Our small celebration was filled with warm greetings, heartfelt messages, and even some fun games. Then, we happily celebrated together that day, sharing a meal, cherishing the moments, and capturing the moments to last long.

Thank you for being part of this journey with me and I’m look forward to sharing many more of my inspiring stories with you guys.

Happy reading, and see you soon for my upcoming updates!

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