Man In Nature's Forage

Plants are part of life and give life to humans. The glory of past history, erased by the loss of forage. Humans are often only lulled by their natural nature, natural with natural food, but are often not paid attention to. Green nature will be able to provide abundant water for life, fertile soil, fresh air, and so on. In urban planning, natural food must be conserved, utilized for human welfare.

In urban areas, natural greenery is rarely found, in this case built greenery is very necessary. The balance between built space and open space in urban planning is very important. Green open space is the lungs of the city, so it must support each other's life and functions.

Open space can be divided into:

  • Passive open space, human activities in it are very small, for example graves, reservoirs, reforestation of riverbanks, reforestation pathways and so on.

  • Active open space, widely used by human activities, for example city parks, camping ground, fields sports, zoo and so on.

Plants as radiation absorbers need heat, so the ambient temperature drops and humidity becomes high. Plants will provide an opportunity for water (rain) to seep into the soil. Groundwater is a reservoir of water in the soil which is very important for life. Plant leaves withstand the blow of rain. Plant roots hold soil grains. Seafront plants resist abrasion. Barren forests and deserts are the result of humans who don't care.

Sustainable reforestation will be able to create a good living environment for future generations well. Plant roots provide life for microorganisms in the soil. Above plants give animals life and development. Animals can also pollinate. Psychological benefits, namely the beauty of nature, such as various shapes and colors of flowers, stems, leaves, roots, fragrance, will affect human behavior. Those who like and enjoy beauty, tend to be treated gently, have a sense of art and high thinking power, thus generating high creativity and imagination. As mentioned above, there are many benefits of gardens for human life, including for health or business purposes. Nowadays, the use of plants for business is increasing along with the increasing price of chemical drugs, accompanied by concerns that the side effects of chemical drugs are far more dangerous than the side effects of herbal medicines.

The manufacture of herbal preparations commonly used include infusions, decoctions and tinctures made from simplicia. What is meant by simplicia is natural ingredients in the form of whole plants, plant parts or exudates from plants that are used as medicine and have not been processed and are not yet pure substances, unless otherwise stated, in the form of dry matter.
Plant exudates are spontaneous cell contents out of plants or cell contents in a certain way removed from cells, or other plant substances in a certain way separated from plants and are not yet pure chemical substances.

Utilization of house plants is not only to beautify the environment and home yard. However, it can provide a source of health for human life. So, let's plant plants in the home environment because green can make us more alive.

Thank you !

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