Wednesday Walk That Make Me Smile - Quick Grocery Visit

The end of the Ramadan is coming and so busy again for general cleaning up and down. What had happened my hand got burned yesterday after the sunset meal and washing the dishes. I accidentally hold the hot metal which was removed by my friend on the stove and put to the lavatory where I washed the dishes. How painful it was and it made me realized how if .y whole body will be thrown into the burning hell fire? How does it feel? I cried a lot with the pain and agony for my inner self.

In the morning , when I woke up I went down cleaning there because we are expecting visitors for the surgery of the mother of my boss. His mother fell down on the floor while praying as she got out balance. Her hip and legs disalligned that need surgery. So one of the siblings if my boss from other city will stay with us.

Then, because I need something for my cooking, it was too hot going in the grocery knowing it was closed and I need to be back at 4pm, the grocery open hour. Because only the bookstore was open, I took a lot of selfies, with the reflections of the wall.

The road was not so busy as usual but during night the traffic will come.

The bookdtore with glass wall got a beautiful reflection from the front building on the other side.

Toys for grandkids soon.

Window shopping with the printer with different brand.

The hiuse of my boss, the burger house and the mosque with me. It was too hot but I never feel it uneasy because I enjoyed taking picture under the sunny day.

That's my walk that made me smile for @tattoodjay, @elizacheng , #hiveph and @asean.hive community and admin.



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