Drying Grain And Grinding Grain To Become Rice

After finishing the rice harvesting activities in the rice fields, eating the grain needs to be dried, I need to wait a few days to dry the grain, because the weather is often cloudy and it also rains, after waiting a few days on that day I see the weather is sunny, so I take out the grain with sacks, I setting off a tarpaulin in a large yard so that the grain dries quickly, after that I need to spread the grain on the mat so that the grain that I dry in the sun dries quickly.

A few moments later I finished the drying of the grain, and I saw that the weather was indeed sunny, I left the drying of the grain and needed to turn the drying of the grain several times.

In the afternoon I checked to see if the grain was dry, and I saw that it could be milled using a circular rice mill machine that usually goes back and forth in my village.

I also called the rice mill, and they immediately took the dry grain and then put it into their machine.

I just have to wait to see the grain milling process, after a while the grain has become rice, and I can see the finished rice myself.

And when the grain milling process produces bran, and on that day I brought the bran home as well as the rice that I was able to bring home.

The process has been completed from drying to grinding the grain so that it becomes rice, and I have also finished all the activities that I have to do to produce rice, that's all from me today, hope this is useful, see you in the next post.

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