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How to Make Apem Cake

Hello ASEAN HIVE COMMUNITY, today I will share a recipe on how to make APEM cake.

What is APEM cake?...

APEM cake is a typical food from my hometown, it tastes soft, delicious and sweet, there are 2 types of APEM at my place, there is fried APEM and steamed APEM.

Today I will make steamed APEM.

This apem is usually made when there is a big event or thanksgiving, but because of the increasingly advanced era, we can find this apem in the market as a market snack.

How to make it is not so complicated.

The tools and materials we need to prepare are as follows.s;

The tools and materials

100 grams of cassava tape, 8 tablespoons of rice flour, 4 tablespoons of wheat flour,250 grams of liquid coconut milk, 4 eggs, 1 teaspoon of SP cake developer, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, green and chocolate coloring,large and small molds of plastic material .



Mix sugar, SP emulsifier, baking powder, and eggs in a bowl and stir until well blended.


Enter the cassava tape, flour and rice flour, stir until blended.


Add the liquid coconut milk, stir again until smooth.


Divide the dough into 2, give the color brown and green.


Prepare small molds first, then grease with butter.

Pour the batter alternately, here I pour the green first and then the brown one.


Prepare a large mold, grease with butter. Pour all the remaining green dough in.


Steam the dough alternately, steaming time is only 15 minutes.


Once cooked, remove the cake and let it cool, then remove the cake from the mold.

APEM cake is finished, this cake can be enjoyed with the family, it can also be used as your business idea.

What do you think, does this cake look delicious?

Thanks for reading, if you like it feel free to reblog my post.

See you again with my next post.


Dwi Purwandari

Dwi Purwandari is an ordinary housewife, she doesn't have many activities at home so she is bored. Recently, he started to learn to write, because according to her, writing is a way for her to relieve stress, can improve his mood and can express her feelings as he wants by writing. She has a dream that one day he can become a successful person by writing. Be proud of you because you can write,because not everyone is able to become a writer.