The Vendors


People need to do something to live. Not all have a decent job or a stable job. I think everyone should have a job in order to live. Although not all are given a chance because of their status in life. Perhaps, the level of education or even the level of confidence. It's a bit harsh to say but I think it's the reality. Still, people are doing something to earn money. It's not a dirty job but not a good earning if compared to other jobs.

I'm talking about those vendors who we often saw in the streets selling random things. It can be food, materials, or as long as they can earn from it. It was late for the #marketfriday post by @dswigle but I wanted to join in. Too bad I didn't have the chance to be in a bigger market because I wasn't going out. Where to go anyway when there's nothing important to buy.


It's not a coincidence but maybe not happening most of the time. I happened to see this vendor selling shells riding on a motorcycle. It stopped in front of our house because we bought it from them. We didn't have that kind of shell so we're lucky to catch them selling in the street.


We already bought a shell when this woman riding on a bicycle with an extension was shouting what she's selling. You can see this kind of vendor in our place. They're called fish vendors and they're allowed to sell in different Brgy.s as long as inside the town.


Yesterday I was in the City to buy something. My mother asked me to buy her milk because it's hard to buy it in our town. It has been a while since I visited this city so I took my time roaming around in their park. I saw that woman approaching a different person to sell her product. It's a chip type of food that was made from banana fruit. I had no idea how much it cost because I just saw them from a distance.


Not far away from the park when I decided to leave. I saw this shoe repair vendor beside the street. Did you know that they've been here for decades already. Some of them left and some of them were replaced. This place is popular that people will know where to go if they want their shoes to be repaired.


Wait, this fish was caught by me days ago. It was caught from a fishing net. Sometimes life is hard because the hard work will not be rewarded according to how much time you spend dealing with it.


Imagine, I stayed at the sea for almost a day but only to catch this. Well, well, it's part of fishing, and just be thankful because there's a little.


I'm not complaining or anything just to be clear. Even though life is not nice compared to when I had a job. I can not regret having this beautiful view in our place.

Thank you for reading

All content is my own unless otherwise noted
If images are being recycled, I just found it fitted to my article.



Paul is the name but prefers to be called mrnightmare that feels like living in the dream. A country boy and a dreamboy (dreamer) who likes to stay in a small village even though it means abandoning the future to become a seaman. The passion is writing but not sailing in the vast ocean. Don't wonder if the face will not be shown, this is better where the words can flow smoothly. Come, have fun with me talking about life events and random activities. It's fun to learn about life, don't hesitate, let's figure it out as we continue enjoying staying in this world.


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