A Nipa Hut


Nipa hut is popular in the Philippines. Some people may think that nipa hut is a type of house but actually it's a type of roof in an indigenous house in the Philippines named Bahay Kubo. There was no galvanized iron, coloroof, and any types of upgraded roofs you can see these days. The Filipinos have been using this nipa hut in their houses and even in the cottages on the beaches.


There are still people using this type of roof because of the coolness it gives despite the hot weather. Maybe for some as well, this kind of roof is cheaper compared to modernized roofs. The disadvantages of nipa hut to use it as a roof are these. Holes are easier to make just by experiencing nonstop rainfall. It can't sustain for a longer time, also it might be broken when there's a storm. Since it's just leaves, when it gets dry it will be flammable during the hot season. Well, I guess there are always advantages to everything so let's leave with that.

If you already saw nipa hut on the internet or whenever you found one. Correct me if I'm wrong you're only aware when it's already a hut and also you may not recognize its plant. Where did the nipa hut come from, by the way, and why was it called that? I will answer it and together with it the materials that were used to make a nipa hut.


What is a Nipa?

A nipa hut came from a nipa palm or a type of mangrove palm. From the type of plant itself, it's obvious to say that you can find it where the water meets the sea. Yes, not in the shoreline but not far from it. The leaves of it are almost the same as a palm tree or a coconut tree but the leaf is a bit wider, taller, and thicker. Although, their appearance as a plant is very different. See the image above for you to tell the difference if you've seen a palm tree or a coconut tree.


The materials in nipa hut

A single nipa hut was made from many leaves. Considering how it used to be as a roof in a single house. A lot of nipa leaves were being used to attach together to make one. So upon seeing the image above you will have an idea that there's something guiding the leaves to be placed like this.


A half or a bamboo tree being cut into small pieces was being used as a guide of it.


Using the bamboo tree as the guide then placing the leaves near to each other with the help of rattan The rattan will help the nipa leaves to tie up the leaves into the piece of bamboo tree.

I have no idea how they made it but I know the materials being used in making a nipa hut. It's just too bad that these days it's hard to find who is making it because the demands of nipa hut these days are lessened. Even so, I hope I helped you to understand that you need to know about a nipa hut.

Thank you for reading

All content is my own unless otherwise noted
If images are being recycled, I just found it fit in my article.



Paul is the name but prefers to be called mrnightmare that feels like living in the dream. A country boy and a dreamboy (dreamer) who likes to stay in a small village even though it means abandoning the future to become a seaman. The passion is writing but not sailing in the vast ocean. Don't wonder if the face will not be shown, this is better where the words can flow smoothly. Come, have fun with me talking about life events and random activities. It's fun to learn about life, don't hesitate, let's figure it out as we continue enjoying staying in this world.


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