Another Beautiful Walk At The Donau Auen National Park - 19.5.2021 Edition


My Wednesday Walk / Make Me Smile Moments.....

There were so many chances I have had to come to the National Park since it is near my home. It´s 1.5 Km away from my flat passing by the fields and a pathway intended for walkers and bikers. There is also a street for those coming from far away Districts wanting to reach the park by car as well as a parking for that purpose. The Park is so huge that starts in Vienna´s 22 District and is stretches all the way down to the Slovakian border. The border can be reached by bike since there is a beautiful bike trail going there.


The water is clean and clear. I have read that the Lobau is an extension of the Old Danube and areas widen to accumulate extra water that might cause flooding to the District. The Vienna Forest Management had made it clear that this will be an untouched area.


One can just sit and relax and enjoy the view. These are moments one can enjoy if you are a nature lover.....think quietly, mesmerize and enjoy fond memories of anything.


This area here is another entrance that is one of many to get in the Lobau. A swamp-like area that is inhabited by many birds, insects and other animals. So to speak, the flora and fauna is superb.


I discovered many flowers popping out from nowhere, Spring it is now but still cold at this time. We should normally be having over 20°C but it looks as though rainy days are here to stay for a while.



Part of the Lobau is also a small residential area and some local bikers and walkers from here take their dogs for a walk. The dogs should be on a leash, but who can say no to dogs who want to jump and enjoy the water on a hot day like this.



The trees now begin to have full leaves and flowers and it is beautiful to see them in full bloom. Their aroma is so Spring-like but the weather is still to cold at this time of the year.


Before we went back, I went to the forest to take snapshots of what´s inside and enjoyed the cool breeze under the trees. I found this snail threading its way to some place. The forest is full of life and nature is at its best.



It was time to go back and I know I will come again when our weather allows . It had been a beautiful #wednesdaywalk and the aftermath of this all is....
it #makesmesmile every time.


Thanks to @tattoodjay and @elizacheng for their #WednesdayWalk and #MakeMeSmile collaboration. All images in this post were photographed using Huawei Pro lite and are owned by @mers

GIF by @Gremayo.gif
GIF by @gremayo

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