✏️My ASEAN Hive Community Challenge #94 🏀 Observing Orange 🥭

Hello Hive ASEAN Community! I hope you're all doing well and staying motivated!

So, today I've decided to dive into something new and exciting - the ASEAN Hive Community Challenge #94: Observing Orange. Just this morning, while enjoying my breakfast, I had a slice of papaya, vibrant and orange, which sparked a lightbulb moment. Why not join the challenge? I've never participated in a community challenge before, and the idea seemed both fun and intriguing. So, here I am, ready to embark on this colorful adventure. Aja aja fighting!


My day began as usual with a wholesome breakfast, but today, it was a little special because of a ripe, juicy papaya. Its rich orange hue was not just appealing to the eye but also reminded me of the "Observing Orange" challenge. I thought, "What better way to kickstart my journey in this community?" Participating in challenges like this is new to me, but the simple act of eating papaya made me realize how even the most mundane activities can connect us to larger, communal experiences. It's all about taking that first step.


In our backyard stands a proud papaya tree, a daily reminder of nature's generosity. Each time we harvest its ripe fruits, it feels like receiving a gift. This is a nearly perfect orange papaya, I couldn't help but marvel at its simplicity and beauty. The tree has been a silent witness to many family moments, and its fruits have been a constant in our kitchen. There's something truly special about eating something you've grown yourself – it tastes of care, sunshine, and, of course, the vivid color of orange. This experience with our papaya tree isn't just about the fruit; it's about connection to the earth and appreciation of the small wonders in our everyday life.


Every morning, as I step outside, my eyes are greeted by the vibrant blend of yellow and orange flowers near our house. They stand there, basking in the sunrise, radiating energy and positivity. Focusing on the orange petals, I often find myself captivated by their beauty and resilience. These flowers, with their fiery hues, are more than just a part of our garden; they're a symbol of a fresh start and new possibilities.

As I leave for work, taking a moment to admire these flowers has become a cherished routine. They set the tone for my day, infusing it with optimism and a zest for life. It's amazing how something as simple as the color of a flower can uplift your spirits and prepare you for the challenges ahead. Their presence is a constant reminder to embrace each day with enthusiasm and to find joy in the little things. Indeed, these orange flowers are not just a view but a source of daily inspiration, a reminder to always look for the bright side, no matter what the day holds.





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It's fascinating how once you start looking for something, you begin to find it everywhere. After my morning encounter with the papaya and flowers, I started noticing how the color orange had subtly decorated various corners of our home. It was like playing a game of 'spot the orange'! Our water jet, with its bold orange color, stood out in the utility area, and even the vacuum cleaner flaunted a vibrant orange hue.

Then there were the smaller, more personal items: my kids' orange toothbrush, a spare tire lock key with an orange handle, and my daughter's favorite toy, all basking in different shades of orange. It's amusing how a simple challenge made me realize the prevalence of this cheerful color in our daily lives. These discoveries, though small, added a touch of whimsy and surprise to my day, making me appreciate the often-overlooked details of our home.




Stepping outside, another orange surprise awaited me – our basketball! It's funny how something so obvious slipped my mind. As I captured its bright orange essence through my camera lens, our cats and little dog curiously joined in, adding life to the photo session. Their playful antics around the basketball made the photoshoot even more memorable. It was a delightful moment, watching them interact with the orange ball, their curiosity mirroring my own in this challenge. The pictures turned out wonderfully, especially the ones with our pets photobombing, making this ordinary object a special part of my orange-themed day.

Participating in the ASEAN Hive Community Challenge #94 has been an unexpectedly enlightening journey. It led me to discover and appreciate the splashes of orange that color my everyday life. From the breakfast papaya to the playful basketball session with my pets, each orange encounter brought a smile and a new perspective. It's incredible how a simple color can weave stories and connect us to our surroundings. I encourage everyone to take a moment to observe and find joy in the little things. Thank you for sharing this vibrant journey with me. Stay positive and keep finding color in your world!














Thank you! Bye!

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