Lessons I've Learned from My First Work Experience: Creating Lasting Memories and Meaningful Connections

Remember that every step you take, no matter how small, is a step towards your personal and professional development.


Greetings to you my dear hivers! I'm here again to share a new chapter of my life's story. What transpired at my first-ever full-time job will be the subject of this blog. I work at the restaurant and bakery. After graduating, I started working here, where I gained experience, connected with a few like-minded professionals, and learned from their experiences and knowledge.


Here, I had the opportunity to work in a restaurant, where I picked up a lot of knowledge and gained a better understanding of the business. I felt a lot of pressure at this point and began to question my ability to complete the task. This is the place that taught me a lot about what it's like to work in the industry, helped me discover a new side of myself, and enhanced skills I didn't know I had. I'll recount my first job in a busy restaurant and how it shaped me both personally and professionally.


There was a time when I was still a trainee and my body was so tired from all the work and I had slept on the bus that I missed my stop when I woke up. I was already far away, and I was close to getting late if I waited for another bus, so even if I didn't like the idea of getting on another motorcycle with a stranger driver, I had no choice, it was the easiest way for me to get there. I have learned to overcome my obstacles. I challenged myself and stepped out of my comfort zone, which helped me grow and broaden my horizons.


Being a part of a busy restaurant is like entering a whirlwind of activity. As soon as I entered the restaurant on my first day of work, I was surrounded by a flurry of waiters rushing back and forth, the sound of plates clinking, and the noises of the kitchen bustling with activity. It was soon clear that multitasking was necessary due to the overwhelming volume of orders, the stack of order sheets above the counter, the lengthy lines, and the constant movement. It was overwhelming at first, but I soon came to appreciate being in such a setting. For me, every day started to bring excitement.


In a restaurant, time management and prioritization skills are crucial. As a newcomer, I had to quickly adapt to the fast-paced nature of the job. Especially when I was left alone at the bar counter as a trainee because their bar crew resigned. I was still learning the whole manual of how the bar and dining work. I was balancing multiple tasks simultaneously, such as taking orders, delivering food, preparing the food, attending to customer requests, and handling cash transactions with customers, which required me to develop a keen sense of prioritization. I am not very slow, but in comparison to other people, I am somewhat slower at moving, so I had to learn how to move quickly and effectively manage my time to give each customer my full attention.


Moreover, working at a busy restaurant meant dealing with a wide range of customers, some of whom could be picky or challenging to please. The ability to handle difficult situations and complaints from customers taught me great lessons. There were occasions when I felt offended or upset and wanted to respond by answering them sarcastically. I learned through this profession how important it is to remain composed, pay attention to what customers have to say, and come up with solutions that would work for both parties.


I could still clearly recall my first day of work, when I was on the verge of tears and wondered if I should return the following day or look for another job. I had no idea that Sunday, which was my first day, was a really busy day. Instead of staying at the bar, where I am officially assigned, I was told to simply assist in serving meals and clearing the dishes in the dining area from 11 a.m. until 9 p.m. The constant coming and going of people has left my feet and back in discomfort.

After that extremely busy day, my supervisor asked me how I was feeling while we were cleaning the store because I had been so quiet the entire time. I responded that I was fine but that I believed my feet had swollen from all the standing and walking from morning to evening. They asked me to return the following day so I could compare the weekend and weekday atmospheres. They were very concerned that I would not return the following day.


Some people were happy when I returned the following day, while others were surprised since they had assumed I wouldn't given how busy it had been the day before. They started by informing me that, due to the demanding work, most of their trainees leave after a day or two, but others stay for a week before leaving. Since the business is understaffed, we don't have shifts, so we put in extra hours every day. And with that stated, I can see why they kept encouraging me to return, later on, I enjoyed working at the bar, although I had many concerns about my performance and suitability for the position.


I was feeling pressured at work, and I realized that it is a common experience that many of us face. Perhaps as a result of factors like high standards, short deadlines, or difficult tasks. I was battling a lot with how to not feel pressured, but it later dawned on me that It is also okay to seek assistance from coworkers or superiors who can offer insightful guidance and assurance. When faced with such pressure, it is important to remember that it is alright to feel overwhelmed at times because understanding these feelings is the first step towards properly managing them.


If I ever got to the store 30 minutes before our time, I would wander here and enjoy the refreshing breeze, as I always feel stressed and exhausted when I enter. I get stressed out at work because of how quickly things move, so this place allowed me to relax and prepared me for more demanding work. I realized that taking breaks enables us to temporarily disengage from tensions related to our jobs and refresh our minds and bodies. I believed that taking a break was a waste of time back then.


There's a stall nearby the store where I always eat lunch since it's peaceful, they have affordable meals, and you can take in the lovely scenery as you eat. The environment is quite relaxing, and I believe that it has been very helpful to all of the employees. We could unwind during breaks or take a quick stroll. Regular breaks lower stress and increase productivity. We should take quick breaks throughout the day to replenish our energy and clear our minds, so we can come back to work focused.


At work, I was quite shy and had second thoughts about my actions. Finding a space to fit in among them can be difficult, especially when I realize how close everyone is. But it's important to keep in mind that it's normal to experience uncertainty occasionally. I made an effort to accept my shyness as a trait of who I am and to use it as an opportunity for improvement rather than dwelling on self-doubt. I take advantage of every opportunity for learning and every opportunity for conversation with my coworkers.


As the day goes on while I am working there, I am learning how crucial teamwork is to the success of both the employees and the company as a whole in the restaurant industry. Smooth operations are ensured by effective teamwork. My supervisor told me she preferred working at the bar counter with me because we knew what needed to be done, who would do what without a lot of talk, and that she didn't have to tell me what to do next. They would leave me at the bar counter by myself, which put pressure on me because of the amount of trust they have in my ability to perform effectively.


I worked really hard on all the manuals, and soon after I passed the trainee evaluation and was hired on as a contract employee, I learned everything to not become a burden to my coworkers, and I am really happy that they supported me all the way. Fortunately, I received positive comments from my manager, and my supervisor praised me for doing a wonderful job. I also grew close to them.


The hardest thing I encountered there was this. It started in December. It was at this point that we showed the best teamwork. I was delighted to learn that almost all of the store's cakes were available (some are only available on special events and holidays), and there were even some completely new ones. The busiest day for cakes was the day before Christmas, and Christmas Day was jam-packed with dine-in customers. Among all the branches, we achieved the highest overall Christmas Day sales. We feel proud. It was the first time I felt so happy, even if I was exhausted.

The company hosted a Christmas party for all its employees. "We serve happiness all year round" was the party's theme. We all showed up dressed in t-shirts with designs and colors we chose, and while we were there, we had fun seeing performances put on by each branch in an effort to win prizes. We placed last, which we sort of expected since there are only a few of us and most of us are quite shy. Only the girls performed, but it was still fun. Since I'm a competitive woman, I initially felt bad when they didn't seem to be enjoying the practice, but since it looks like they are cool with it, it became fine for me as well.

Our branch also hosted a Christmas party on our own, and in order to provide food for everyone, we had been saving our tips for months. The celebration started at night at a pool, and I returned home around dawn. This was the very first party I went to that was not with my family or for school. My colleagues were nice to be around, and we had a great time. I'll cherish this moment forever.

I also learned that we are more likely to like going to work, much as in school, and feel inspired to do our tasks when coworkers have positive and encouraging interactions with one another. Employees are more inclined to trust one another and communicate efficiently when they become friends at work, which promotes improved cooperation and collaboration. They rely on one another for emotional support, counsel, and motivation as they handle the stresses of their jobs.


We will part ways at some point, but I wasn't expecting it to happen so soon. I am now bidding farewell, as I could not go on any further with them for the reason that another opportunity has opened for me, and I grabbed it. We shared some pizza while reminiscing about my first day of work and my last. I was kind of sad but happy to be able to meet such nice people who supported me. I truly appreciate their presence in my work life. They will always have a place in my heart. I thanked them for helping me, encouraging me to do better, and believing that I could do it. It is the last day of December, and by tomorrow I will not be working with them for the new year.

After a couple of months had gone by, they got in touch with me and asked if I would want to attend a little celebration for the anniversary of their branch. The fact that they still think of me moved me. Of course, I got there, we spoke, and they informed me of what happened and expressed their desire for me to return. You don't have to end your friendships just because you say goodbye. These connections can be maintained outside of the workplace. A positive relationship can be created through building connections, appreciating the benefits of professional friendships, and valuing shared experiences.


I learned how to quickly adapt and maintain calm under pressure from the job's fast-paced environment. I discovered that we should go above and beyond to exceed expectations. To operate in teams, I must hone my verbal and nonverbal communication skills. I've mastered multitasking and alleviating stress. Overall, my first-time experience in a busy restaurant was transformative, and I will always cherish the lessons learned and the memories made during that time.

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About The Author


Melria is a book lover and a story teller. She loves to explore various things beyond her limits. If you like her content you may drop a comment, upvote and reblog her post.

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