A Day Before My Surgery

Hello everyone. Today is the 16th of January 2023 and it's Monday. A lovely morning I must say. And just look at the view from my homestay rooms.

Today is my late father yearly anniversary. And it's been 8 years he had left us. Al fatihah to him and may Allah give him a place in Jannah. Aamiin.

My late father cemetery

And today as well is the day for me to be prepared for my surgery. As what my surgeon doctor explained to me, I'll be going to a laparoscopic Myomectomy surgery to remove my uterine fibroid.

As you can see here, this is the medication that should take accordingly to my surgeon.

By 4pm I need to take the Casen phospho soda to clear my bowel. Phospho-Soda is used to prepare the intestines for surgery or a bowel inspection. It's contain a liquid for 45ml and mixed it with water and drink it. In 30 to 60 minutes then the process will start. But actually it's depend on certain people. So, get ready to be near the toilet.

Then, at night, I was told to eat only light foods. And by 10 p.m., I need to take two different types of tablets. Dormicum 7.8mg and probitor 20mg are the dosages.

Probitor 20mg, medication is used to treat and prevent reflux oesophagitis. This could be caused by food and stomach acid "washing back" (reflux) into the oesophagus (food pipe). Reflux, also referred to as heartburn, can cause a burning sensation in the chest that spreads to the throat.

Dormicum 7.8mg is a benzodiazepine with a short half-life used for premedication, sedation, induction, and maintenance of anaesthesia. It's a
drug that induces sleep on a tablet. So that I feel calm and can sleep nicely before the surgery.

I am now in an anxiety mode as I know the date for my surgery is closer. I need to be alone and just keep my mind clear from all the stress. I've been watching a lot of fibroid surgery removal on YouTube and somehow I get the knowledge on how things may happen to me so I'm well aware of it.

My surgery is set for tomorrow, January 17, 2023. I'll be admitted to the ward by 7 a.m., and before checking in, I'll have to take an RTK or swap test.

My surgery is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. and could last up to three hours. My surgeon assured me that it is a major operation and that I should not be concerned. But, hey, I'm a newbie. And my panic attack appeared out of nowhere.

My bed in a messed, I know

My friend brought me this to read

Writing here helps me a bit to distract my mind even though I am telling you all about the process. I know the chances are 98% successful as they told me. But as human beings, we should trust that faith and death are connected.

From the depths of my heart, I would love to take this opportunity to thank everybody here for all the support and thoughts. I'm humbly asking for forgiveness if I ever do anything wrong or make any comments that might hurt any of you.

Say prayers for me for my wellness and a successful surgery. I end this blog with love and respect for HIVE. Thank you and thank God for all the blessings.

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