Swimming at the Roadside!

welcome little one!.png

Swimming at the roadside?? LOL Just a little background about the inflatable pool. Our children received this a Christmas gift last year from our friendly neighbor. She taught our children would love this so she ordered one online for our girls. It's been a year that we had this inflatable pool. Funny thing here, the space we have for the pool is outside our house, on the roadside where our car parks. LOL This is one reason why we seldom let our girls use it.

Last week, my husband decided to let them swim so he prepared the pool and filled it with water of course! It was just right in time. They were all done with their school modules. They were so happy knowing that they will be swimming again!!


Look at that smile! This was in the afternoon. As you can see, their daddy did not fill it with a lot of water which made our second daughter quite disappointed. But what can she do? No choice but to enjoy the water. LOL They were splashing!! After an hour their daddy joined them. I forgot so take a photo. I was busy inside the house doing some chores. To sum it up, they had FUN!!

Look at the sad face of that girl over there. LOL. But she got over it.

The After Care

Another reason why my husband seldom let our children use the pool is the deflating and the "rigorous" effort to store it again. :D It has to be deflated and kept because we can't just leave it on the roadside LOL But of course, he loves our children so from time to time he takes this extra effort to set up and keep. And it makes our girls happy!

I don't know when will be the next time. All I know is they (our girls) are happy everytime!

Do you have an inflatable pool? :D

Thank you for reaching this far. Take care and have a great day!




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